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Thread: need advice on a new cycle

  1. #1

    need advice on a new cycle

    I want to start a cycle but i dont now what i should take. I want to get big but i dont want to get too bloated. I would like to stay some what lean. what should i take hand how much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    read up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    read up.
    Yep, some reading will be helpfull.
    You should be educated on what it is your thinking about injecting into your body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    just turned 19... little young for gear bro

  5. #5
    i would also agree that you are too young for gear, but you will prob. do it anyways.

    If you do decide to do a cycle, do a Test only cycle for 12 weeks. A single ester!

    Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp or Test Enthanate 500mg/wk
    Weeks 14-17 Clomid 300/100/50

    Inject the test @ 250mg - 2x a week Mon/Thurs, this helps keep the blood levels constant.

    Also a must is CLOMID, and have novladex on hand in case of gyno sings appear. You can also take the novladex @ 10mg thru-out your entire cycle.
    Last edited by monkeyjuice; 03-01-2004 at 02:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    i would also agree that you are too young for gear, but you will prob. do it anyways.

    If you do decide to do a cycle, do a Test only cycle for 12 weeks. A single ester!

    Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp or Test Enthanate 500mg/wk
    Weeks 12-17 Clomid 300/100/50

    Inject the test @ 250mg - 2x a week Mon/Thurs, this helps keep the blood levels constant.

    Also a must is CLOMID, and have novladex on hand in case of gyno sings appear. You can also take the novladex @ 10mg thru-out your entire cycle.
    Weeks 12-17 Clomid 300/100/50 <-- NO!!!!

    PCT has to start 3 weeks after last test inj.

  7. #7
    what about a decca cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    no no no!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sorry, i meant 2 weeks after last test enth injection...

  10. #10
    I just need a simple cycle to get big.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    why dont u use the search box?
    type these words in it: first cycle, newbie, bloat, nolva, ldex, pct, clomid...
    try to understand what and why before doing any step!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    here it is

    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    i would also agree that you are too young for gear, but you will prob. do it anyways.

    If you do decide to do a cycle, do a Test only cycle for 12 weeks. A single ester!

    Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp or Test Enthanate 500mg/wk
    Weeks 14-17 Clomid 300/100/50

    Inject the test @ 250mg - 2x a week Mon/Thurs, this helps keep the blood levels constant.

    Also a must is CLOMID, and have novladex on hand in case of gyno sings appear. You can also take the novladex @ 10mg thru-out your entire cycle.
    you want a simple cycle to get big? here ya go as stated before. deca only is bad and you're too young to be juicin. at least do some research before you commit

  13. #13
    1-12 test e 500 mg a week
    1-4 d-bol 35 mg a day
    14-17 clomid 300mg first day, 100mg next 10 days, 50 mg final 10 days
    1-17 20 mg nolvadex

    thats will get you big in no time

  14. #14
    wher can i read what i-dex is

  15. #15
    if you really want to get big you can add deca at 300mg a week for week 1-11 but i wouldn't recommend it since your only 19, deca can mess up your body at that age.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    Try lots of food before anything else!

    Post your stats and EXACT diet and we can go from there.

    DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT take a Decca only cycle for your own benefit. If your stuck on the idea of AAS, try this:

    wk 1-10 250mgs/wk of Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate
    wk 12-15 Clomid PCT


    1. This will keep bloat to a minimum for the most part, sides should be next to none, but it can vary from person to person.

    2. Cheap and at 19 i assume your on a budget

    3. You'll be able to see how you react to Test which is the base of all cycles.

    Good luck, your gonna need it!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by deanm56
    I want to start a cycle but i dont now what i should take. I want to get big but i dont want to get too bloated. I would like to stay some what lean. what should i take hand how much.
    I wait another 2 years before I hit the gear but if you do it anyway just do 10-12 weeks of a single test.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by strongNlean
    1-12 test e 500 mg a week
    1-4 d-bol 35 mg a day
    14-17 clomid 300mg first day, 100mg next 10 days, 50 mg final 10 days
    1-17 20 mg nolvadex

    thats will get you big in no time

    don't take dbol, it will bloat you and you dno't need it for a first cycle. See how your body reacts to test first, then go from there. Plus your body is fresh and never seen AS before. So why overload your body with different kinds of AS when a test only cycle will yeild the same results!

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