This is sort of off Subject but here goes.
I'm taking my current cycle for 2 main reasons. 1) to feel and look good, 2) absolutely dominate in football. #2 was moving along great until I took a hard knee to my thigh in a game yesterday afternoon. I am now stuck with a bad deep thigh bruise that has rendered me immobile for the most part. I iced it on and off all day yesterday and now am inquiring about what I might be about to do to achieve the quickest recover. Rest (obviously), stretching, work it out, ect. At this time I can literally barely walk or bend my leg at all. Squating for the time being is out of the question. Heck, bending my leg is out of the question. There is no major swelling or discoloration of the area, just a lot of pain. Like I said, this is barely AS related but I figured you guys know a lot about muscles so this would probably be as good a place as any to ask. Thanks for any tips.