I know var probably puts less weight on than fina but what would you prefer over all between the two and what makes the one better/worse than the other??
I know var probably puts less weight on than fina but what would you prefer over all between the two and what makes the one better/worse than the other??
Last edited by Rugby13; 03-01-2004 at 10:19 PM.
if i had to choose to use only one for the rest of my cycles, id choose fina.
but since theres no reason at all to limit myself, i'm gonna have to go with both!
price -> finaOriginally Posted by Rugby13
effectiveness -> fina
running it alone -> var
sides -> var
basically, the fina will produce greater strength/mass gains for much cheaper than a comparable dosage of var will, however the sides will be minimal with the var and you could potentially run it alone.
i'd go with the fina and use the rest of the money you would have spent on prop and do a nice 7-8 weeker.
I've run fina alone for two 8 week cycles and had great results with no problems at 75mg ed. Obviously clomid post cycle!!
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