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Thread: My Modified Cycle involving Winnie/T3/Clen/Keto

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Masters of AAS, My Modified Cycle involving Winnie/T3/Clen/Keto

    Stats: 5' 8" 170 lb, BF 8-10%, age: turning 24

    Wks 1-9 400 mg/wk Deca
    Wks 1-13 500 mg/wk Test Ethan
    Wks 10-15 50 mg/ED Winnie Depot (Daily injections)

    Wks 10-15 Clen
    Wks 10-15 Ketotifen Fumarate (3 mg every day, so 1 mL)
    Wks 10-15 T-3 using Cycleon's infamous rule 5%/40%/55%
    Wks 10-15 considering ECA but might be too much on heart, so probably not

    Wks 1-15 Nolva and Arimidex

    Vitamins and other crap
    Wks 1-15 Daily Vitamin pill
    Wks 10-15 Taurine

    In due order as stated in the Educational Threads forum. No point in discussing here. Standard Clomid therapy coupled with hcG. Thinking of throwing in 500-1000 i.u of hcG mid-cycle around week 9-10? Not too sure about this part...this is the one part I still gotta do research on.

    This is my first real cycle with research. I did one and a half cycles two years ago, gained 30 or so pounds, and lost it all due to poor PCT/research.

    I am on week 2 already of the bulking phase of this cycle. I already gained hella size in a one week span...went up 20 pounds on bench...and increasing like a monster.

    Diet will be in due order.

    EDIT: Since no-one has answered, I edited the title so as to flatter your egos.

    Thanks for your advice.
    Last edited by BuffGuy; 03-02-2004 at 08:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I know it's a long cycle, especially for a beginner. However, after doing 1.5 cycles in the past and getting a feel of my body, I think I can handle it. And I think long cycles would be good for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BuffGuy
    I know it's a long cycle, especially for a beginner. However, after doing 1.5 cycles in the past and getting a feel of my body, I think I can handle it. And I think long cycles would be good for me.
    everything looks in check to me.

    you can eliminate the HCG or save it for later since the nolva and arimidex will prevent you from shutting down.

    i don't think this is too ambitious, but is there any reason you are stopping the deca at week 9? you could continue it up to week 12 or 13 and still have all your PCT timings in check.

    other than that, i don't see anything wrong since you have done your research and laid out a nice cycle for yourself. you might get a little overwhelmed when you have to hit the winny 42 days in a row, but i'm sure you will adjust.

    good luck with it bro, it should help you achieve your goals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Looks good to me. You could either run 500iu's Mon/Tues wk 8-15, or run 1000iu'sED for 5 days in wk 15.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I really appreciate your help, both Daem and Pheedno.

    i don't think this is too ambitious, but is there any reason you are stopping the deca at week 9? you could continue it up to week 12 or 13 and still have all your PCT timings in check.
    The reason I shut the Deca early was because I thought it would be too much to take 3 anabolics at the same time for a beginner? I dunno? I guess the half-life is long so that's stupid of me to think that anyways...
    So you really think I should run it the entire time? Even though I'm a beginner? Opinions?

    Looks good to me. You could either run 500iu's Mon/Tues wk 8-15, or run 1000iu'sED for 5 days in wk 15.
    I guess I'll go for 5 days in a row? I don't really know...getting my research on...

    Man, it took me HOURS to figure out this cycle...not HOURS but rather took me bloody FOREVER to figure out that Tren and Fina are the same thing. Then, another hour to figure out how to prepare Tren...and then another hour to realize that I don't want Tren as a beginner....and so on and so forth...

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