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Thread: Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col

    Cool Questions

    First of all let me say hello, my name is KunipshunFit and I am 22 years old.

    I have been lifting weights for almost 2 years and am very proud of my progress. I am 5'8 and begain lifting at 225lbs because i drank to much beer in college. Once i started, I couldnt stop!]

    I dropped down to 180lbs at 9% bf

    when i first started i could only bench 185 for 1 rep, now i work out with 285 for 4-6 reps.

    Currently I weigh in around 201 at 14%bf. I'm pretty symetrical bi's being 16.25 inches, and calves at 17...genetics Chest and shoulders are my two weekest points as far as overall mass.

    I do have questions about Anabolics.
    friends of mine have used Decabol to get some pretty massive gains. I want to gain size, in my shoulders,chest and back. I was thinking of a 4 week cycle of Decabol or a 4 week cycle of the Testrone200mg (spelling)
    I've never used any anabolics before other than 1-Ad which i'm not even sure is an anabolic in the illegal sense. Any help is appreciated.

    I hope to have pics to post here soon, but i'm pretty wide in the shoulders and my main goal is to put on some size in 4-6 weeks then begin cutting up for the summer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Thumbs up


    imo, the minimum amount of time to be on a cycle is 8 weeks, thats the bottom end. you say you want to put on some size and then tone up. if i where you this is what i would do.

    testosterone enanthate at 600mgs per week, equipoise at 400mgs per week, both for 10 weeks. dbol at 40 mgs per day for the first 4 weeks and then discontinue it. clenbuterol post cycle would be great also. of course you will need clomid for post cycle and nolvadex incase gyno rears its head.

    run this, train/eat properly and you will really be the man.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Thank yo uvery much for your help...I'm researching the items you mentioned and checking on costs and accessability! My main hope is to get up to around 220lbs and have the bodyfat around 8-10...just enough to see the 6 pack. Currently i'm hiding my 6pack under the keg of flubber that is there. Again thanks for your help. I see a lot of guyz asking for advice and recieving great advice from all of the generous people here on the Board.

    I hope to have a pic to upload soon, gotta change the format so it can be seen by all. Thanks again for your help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col
    Thank yo uvery much for your help...I'm researching the items you mentioned and checking on costs and accessability! My main hope is to get up to around 220lbs and have the bodyfat around 8-10...just enough to see the 6 pack. Currently i'm hiding my 6pack under the keg of flubber that is there. Again thanks for your help. I see a lot of guyz asking for advice and recieving great advice from all of the generous people here on the Board.

    I hope to have a pic to upload soon, gotta change the format so it can be seen by all. Thanks again for your help!

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