First of all let me say hello, my name is KunipshunFit and I am 22 years old.
I have been lifting weights for almost 2 years and am very proud of my progress. I am 5'8 and begain lifting at 225lbs because i drank to much beer in college. Once i started, I couldnt stop!]
I dropped down to 180lbs at 9% bf
when i first started i could only bench 185 for 1 rep, now i work out with 285 for 4-6 reps.
Currently I weigh in around 201 at 14%bf. I'm pretty symetrical bi's being 16.25 inches, and calves at 17...geneticsChest and shoulders are my two weekest points as far as overall mass.
I do have questions about Anabolics.
friends of mine have used Decabol to get some pretty massive gains. I want to gain size, in my shoulders,chest and back. I was thinking of a 4 week cycle of Decabol or a 4 week cycle of the Testrone200mg (spelling)
I've never used any anabolics before other than 1-Ad which i'm not even sure is an anabolic in the illegal sense. Any help is appreciated.
I hope to have pics to post here soon, but i'm pretty wide in the shoulders and my main goal is to put on some size in 4-6 weeks then begin cutting up for the summer.