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Thread: cycle1 - my experiences

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!

    Cool cycle1 - my experiences

    well i am just finishing up my first cycle in 2 years (second ever) and thought i would share my experiences with you all.

    to begin with this is what i did.

    Weeks 1 - 3
    400 mgs Shering Primobolan a week

    weeks 4 - 9
    400 mgs Ttokkyo Deca a week

    week 10
    400 mgs Ttokkyo Deca
    50 mg winstrol tabs ed

    weeks 11 - 12
    50 mg winstrol tabs ed

    here are my results and conclusions

    (not very happy with them)
    gained 7 pounds and some good strength and lost a great deal of fat (don't know my bf%)

    the primobolan was a huge waste and i should have left it till the end of the cycle
    the deca seemed to do very little until the winstrol was added
    the winstrol was great!
    i should have listened to the vets when they told me primo alone and for a short period was a waste of time
    i should never have started this messed up cycle until i had all of the gear mentioned above and i would have cycled it quite differently (again warned by the vets)
    i also beleive that this cycle did not help me much at all with recovery but did psych me up enough to injure myself quite frequently over the course of the 12 weeks

    so i am now starting my clomid treatment and planning for my next cycle

    for my next cycle i think i will be leaning towards a dbol/eq/sus cycle and won't start it until i have all the gear in my hand and a good game plan that i hope you will all help me out with.

    anyways theres my story so far and hopefully you can all take something from it.

    by the way i changed my name when i reregistered. i used to go by "dude" but decided it was a little corny hence the new nick.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Sorry to hear you were unhappy with your cycle bro, you do learn stuff every time though. I think that sust/eq/d-bol is the best begginner cycle for adding mass. Goodluck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Miami, FL

    Thumbs up

    I'm on a Sus/Equi cycle right now and I'm loving it, my strength is way up there. I'm pressing double my weight for 5-7 reps. I'm impressed, I would definitely recommend that cycle to all novices looking for size and strength. Sorry to hear about the shitty cycle but don't be let down, take your break and jump on the next.
    Keep pumpin'

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    sp33dg33k...It takes a big man to eat crow and admit you went about thinks too hastily. It sounds like a lesson was learned and some of the newer guys, like myself and other newbies, can also learn. Good post bro. Good luck on your next cycle.

    BTW I too just finished my first ever cycle (props to Mike for designing it).
    weeks 1-10 deca200 x 400mg/week
    weeks 3-8 winny50mg x 50mg EOD
    weeks 12-14 clomid 50ED, 100ED, 50ED

    Gained - 18lbs
    strength - big jump
    sides - 0 to minimal

    Taking 10-12 weeks of the gear and my fall cycle will be:
    weeks 1-5 d-bol x 35mg ED
    weeks 1-10 sust250 x 500mg/week
    weeks 1-10 deca200 x 400mg/week
    again followed with clomid (keeping nolvadex on hand in case of gyno and/or aromitization)

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Yeah pete's right I have always said it seriously takes completely hummbling yourself and admitting you know nothing before you can possibly learn anything - for 2years when I started lifting I got virtually no gains because I was so proud and couldnt admit that I didnt know what I was doing - as soon as i was humble enough to open up a possibility to learn things I was able to grow like hell - good job bro - and FYI every cycle is a learning experience I still learn on every cycle I do - the first one is almost invariable your best and your worst at the same time - THAT SHOWS YOU FOR NOT LISTENING TO ME! lol just kidding

    Pete - DAMN, good gains bro - you did very well - guys it wasnt my cycle it was his hard work and consistency, good work bud nice gains

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!
    thx for the postive spin you guys put on my blunder. i appreciate the boost. i have learnt alot from my mistake so i guess i am still ahead of the game.

    geez is juicing ever addictive though, its like getting tattoos, once you start you keep wanting to get/do more. i cant wait to start my second cycle.



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