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  1. #1
    DieselPlayer is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004

    Gains affected by needle size

    Hey Guys:

    A friend of mine is doing a cycle of 400mg of enanthate and 300mg of deca for 10 weeks. Five weeks into his cycle, he realized that he was injecting with the wrong needle size; he was using a half inch needle for both quads and glutes instead of the standard 1 inch and 1.5 inches. He developed, I believe, abscesses at the site of injection, but they went away a day or so afterwards...He's in week 8 of his cycle and is not gaining nearly as much as he probably should have.

    Could his gains have been compromised due to using the wrong needle? Could this have affected the absorption of the gear? Should I recommend that he lengthen his cycle by about 4 weeks??

    Let me know, guys..

  2. #2
    speedtraining's Avatar
    speedtraining is offline Senior Member
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    Yes a half inch needle won't get deep enough into the muscle tissue especially when it comes to the glutes...usually good amount of fat down there. He should use a 1.5 22-23 guage needle
    Quote Originally Posted by DieselPlayer
    Hey Guys:

    A friend of mine is doing a cycle of 400mg of enanthate and 300mg of deca for 10 weeks. Five weeks into his cycle, he realized that he was injecting with the wrong needle size; he was using a half inch needle for both quads and glutes instead of the standard 1 inch and 1.5 inches. He developed, I believe, abscesses at the site of injection, but they went away a day or so afterwards...He's in week 8 of his cycle and is not gaining nearly as much as he probably should have.

    Could his gains have been compromised due to using the wrong needle? Could this have affected the absorption of the gear? Should I recommend that he lengthen his cycle by about 4 weeks??

    Let me know, guys..

  3. #3
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    central nj
    you can use 25g pin, it just makes you inject slower which is a good thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DieselPlayer
    Hey Guys:

    A friend of mine is doing a cycle of 400mg of enanthate and 300mg of deca for 10 weeks. Five weeks into his cycle, he realized that he was injecting with the wrong needle size; he was using a half inch needle for both quads and glutes instead of the standard 1 inch and 1.5 inches. He developed, I believe, abscesses at the site of injection, but they went away a day or so afterwards...He's in week 8 of his cycle and is not gaining nearly as much as he probably should have.

    Could his gains have been compromised due to using the wrong needle? Could this have affected the absorption of the gear? Should I recommend that he lengthen his cycle by about 4 weeks??

    Let me know, guys..
    He's still making use of his's just being dispersed/de-esterified more slowly. If he's switched needles now, he should be fine.

  5. #5
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    I use a 1.5 inch needle for every spot injection in my body - bis, tris, pecs, delts, quads, glutes... I love injecting into my tris

  6. #6
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    I use a 1.5 inch needle for every spot injection in my body - bis, tris, pecs, delts, quads, glutes... I love injecting into my tris
    1.5" for tri's? OUCH!! I use 1" for Quads, and 1.5" for Glutes.....

  7. #7
    DieselPlayer is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004
    No offense, but only 1 person seemed to have thoroughly read the question...thanks, einstein1905!!!

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