I'm the poster child for waiting untill your olderI've tried all the "legitimate" supplements and so far the only one that works is Creatine. The rest of my "results" went to the city's sewage treatment plant.
I'm ready to research my first cycle. I have variouse reference books on their way, but I realize that you guys are the ones that know firsthand and I don't want to get fu**edup.
I'm in the biology field so you can relate it in med terminology.
You can't give me enough information because I'm just a sponge but, I will research your suggestions.
I'm a 40y/o male, 5'11 1/2 and 240 Lbs. Although I don't know my BF% I'm sure I'd be considered clinicaly obese with observation alone.Been lifting x ten years but only heavy workouts in the off season, and I have layed off for almost two years
I've just come off a long layoff(no sh*t) after a shoulder injury.
I want my life back and I know cardio and OTC "fat burners" will only take me so far.
I'm going to train for a few months to get into shape before going on the you think that's nesscesary? I think all the connective tissues and joints should be strengthened and the CV system checked out, but hell, what do I know.
I'm not greedy. I don't plan on getting huge. I just want some results.
What should I cycle
how long the first time
What do you think it will cost?( or a reliable reference material for that.)
there're alot of references for this kind of stuff, but not for forty year old fat dudes.