Hi all,
I am just about to start on a 9 week program and would like some advice. This is my first program, but I've been going to the gym for years. I am in my late 20s, 5'7", 67kg, fit and lean but not big. My primary goal is mass gain.
My stack:
- Deca: 100mg (1cc) or 200mg (2cc) - 9 weeks
- Sustanon 250 (1cc) - 9 weeks
- Anabol: Same as D-bol right? 10mg/day for first week, 15mg for next 4 weeks, stop after 5 weeks
Qn 1: Initially, my dealer's advisoral stack is 1cc Deca+1cc Sus+DBol only, but research on this site indicates that 100mg Deca is too little for much anabolic effect, so I asked for 200mg. What do you think - should I start with 100mg or 200mg - considering this is my first cycle?
Qn 2: Is it a lousy stack?
Qn 3: Should I split the injections into 2 times a week, or just once a week?
Qn 4: If once a week, is it ok to load all 3cc and deliver in 1 shot to the glutes - or will it be too sore? Or should I split into two injections on each glutes of 1.5cc?
Qn 5: I only got access to Clomid in this country. Do you think that is sufficient post gear treatment, or is it still too risky to start the cycle?
Anyway, this is a great site, thanks to the community for helping, I learned a lot from here.