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Thread: Advice on DECA/SUS/DBOL stack

  1. #1

    Advice on DECA/SUS/DBOL stack

    Hi all,

    I am just about to start on a 9 week program and would like some advice. This is my first program, but I've been going to the gym for years. I am in my late 20s, 5'7", 67kg, fit and lean but not big. My primary goal is mass gain.

    My stack:

    - Deca: 100mg (1cc) or 200mg (2cc) - 9 weeks
    - Sustanon 250 (1cc) - 9 weeks
    - Anabol: Same as D-bol right? 10mg/day for first week, 15mg for next 4 weeks, stop after 5 weeks

    Qn 1: Initially, my dealer's advisoral stack is 1cc Deca+1cc Sus+DBol only, but research on this site indicates that 100mg Deca is too little for much anabolic effect, so I asked for 200mg. What do you think - should I start with 100mg or 200mg - considering this is my first cycle?

    Qn 2: Is it a lousy stack?

    Qn 3: Should I split the injections into 2 times a week, or just once a week?

    Qn 4: If once a week, is it ok to load all 3cc and deliver in 1 shot to the glutes - or will it be too sore? Or should I split into two injections on each glutes of 1.5cc?

    Qn 5: I only got access to Clomid in this country. Do you think that is sufficient post gear treatment, or is it still too risky to start the cycle?

    Anyway, this is a great site, thanks to the community for helping, I learned a lot from here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    I like the look of that cycle...It did me good.. However I would drop the Dbol..this is your first and you will get great gains off of deca and sustanon...

    I would set it up like this: Do 200mg of Deca a week and 250 of sus..break the shots of deca and sus to at least twice a week...If you could do 500mg of sus I think that would be optimal....and don't shoot more than 2ccs at a time...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Can you get test e? That would be a much better choice.
    If not then shoot sus every 4 day for best results.
    Forget the deca...
    Test e & dbol will be your best bet.
    test e or sus for 10 weeks
    Dbol for the first 4 @ 30mgs ed
    PCT & nolva etc...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    3 days
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Can you get test e? That would be a much better choice.
    If not then shoot sus every 4 day for best results.
    Forget the deca...
    Test e & dbol will be your best bet.
    test e or sus for 10 weeks
    Dbol for the first 4 @ 30mgs ed
    PCT & nolva etc...

  5. #5
    Ambulance1984 Guest
    This is a very well written post for a newbie. Welcome to the board bro. I also agree that Test Enanthate and dbol would be the better way to go. You would need to inject the test twice a week. Depending on the miligram concentration (usually 250mg per cc) would need one in ur left cheek and one in ur right cheek 3.5 days later.

    Your source is going to recomend everything under the sun to you because thats more money in his pocket. Tell him you want to do test enanthate and dbol, and your mind is made up. Show him who the duke is man hahahha

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