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  1. #1
    College Kid is offline New Member
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    Outside of Chicago

    Deca/Winny Same Needle?

    Alright, Im gonna start my third week of Deca , and start my first week of winny this monday. Now, I know people say to stay away from mixing oil and water based AS, but since I'm not a big fan of sticking myself, I was wondering if it would be a big deal if i just used one needle for both. thanks. peace
    400mg Deca wks 1-8
    50mg winny EOD wks 3-8
    clomid wks 10-12
    and a whole shit load of food.

  2. #2
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    Yes, it will be a big problem. Not only won't oil & water mix, but winny clogs up the needle so it will not come out smooth if it even comes out. You do know winny is 17 alk and has the same effect if you drink it right?? Just so you know, I NEVER inject winny, I drink it and because it is 17 alk it will pass through the liver without losing it's potency. Hope this helps.. Oh BTW why no test, deca will give you a limpy..LOL

  3. #3
    College Kid is offline New Member
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    Outside of Chicago
    yeah i realize winny can be drank or shot....but i think i would rather shoot it up. Also, i know about deca dick...but since this is my first cycle i heard to stay away from test...and then there are some who say it doesn't matter....but i figure for my first cycle i can do with out test....thanks for the info....peace.

  4. #4
    jmiro is offline Associate Member
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    im a newbie to needles, but I have to admit I hate needles hated them all my life and yet I can stick myself in my delt no problem, it doesnt hurt at all. Close yours eyes and just stick yourself, becareful to stay calm and do not tense muscles. Only hard part is aspirating, the rest is easy. In my opinion this is the most painless site with 22 gauge 1.5 needles.

  5. #5
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    IMO a cycle ain't a cycle without the most anabolic /androgenic hormone that makes us men! Deca and test are a great combo, I have always used test from my 1st till now and wouldn't do one without it. I'd do 400 deca, 500 test and throw in the winny the last 5 weeks. You would be extatic with those results!!!

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