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Thread: Need Help With New Cycle!!

  1. #1

    Question Need Help With New Cycle!!

    I am just looking for a little advice! I took some TEST ENAN alone a couple months ago and had tremendous gains in strength and mass. But after i took it not a single gain was kept. This is very frustrating to work so hard then lose everything. I was wondering if yall could help me with my next cycle. I am 6ft 185lbs and i am just looking for a little more mass and definition. Give me your ideas on a good beginner stack where i can actually keep the gains when i am done with the cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    What did you pct look like last time?

  3. #3
    what do u mean by pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    the most frequent causes to losing gains made through a cycle are 3 simple things: Proper PCT, proper diet, proper training.

    Before i go into any details, what did your pct look like. If you didnt do it or not right right then that is probably your answer. If it isnt that, then i will go into more detail about diet and training after i hear your response.

    There is no reason that one should lose all of their gains with a test enanthate cycle. If you were making gains, you should have been able to keep most of them. Since you said your gear worked, then it is not the fault of the gear but more likely the cause of the three things mentioned earlier.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TryN2GetSwoll
    what do u mean by pct
    ok that answers my question.

    PCT= post cycle therapy. It is used to get your bodies hormones functioning on their own again as well as other benefits. A common PCT included taking clomid 300mg day 1, 100 day 2-11, 50 day 12-21. Also taking nolva at 10-20mg a day throughout pct.

    It is essential that you do proper pct in order to solidify your gains. If you dont, your body will not be producing its own hormones very effeciently and you will have a lot of other stuff such as cortisol and estrogen floating around your body eating away your hard earned muscle. It is more in depth than that will suffice. Basically, you are trying to get your body back to its normal state

  6. #6
    I ate right and still trained hard but you are probably right about the PCT cause i dont even know what you mean by that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sorry, i forgot to add one thing.

    When planning your next cycle, make sure that you have proper pct. That way, you can keep your gains.

    You might want to consider doing a test enanthate cycle again in a few months possibly adding one more compound.

    Stay around on this site for a while and learn as much as you can before your next cycle.

  8. #8
    Thanks man... i am sure thats what it was cause its hard to get gear where i am and i couldnt come up with any clomid. Do you have any advice on a good beginner cycle i could try? I am looking for good gains but mostly i want them to be lean muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TryN2GetSwoll
    I ate right and still trained hard but you are probably right about the PCT cause i dont even know what you mean by that
    Ouch... another newbie learns the hard way! PCT (Post Cycle Treatment) is a must after every cycle. Your body needs to recover quickly to help keep the gains achieved during a cycle!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TryN2GetSwoll
    Thanks man... i am sure thats what it was cause its hard to get gear where i am and i couldnt come up with any clomid. Do you have any advice on a good beginner cycle i could try? I am looking for good gains but mostly i want them to be lean muscle.
    you can usually find clomid and nolva on a research site. Make sure you make sure the site is legit with some mods though.

    As far as a cycle i would just do this
    Test enanthate 500mg/wk 12 weeks
    Nolva (i like 10mg ed throughout cycle and pct 1-17, but some just keep it on hand if symtoms of gyno occur and then use pct)
    Clomid 2 weeks after last shot 300/100/50 (i told u how to use it earlier)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Thats why I asked.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    But after i took it not a single gain was kept. This is very frustrating to work so hard then lose everything.
    Id stick around and research more. That shouldnt have happened. REad as much as you can into PCT and diet and training for coming off cycles.

  13. #13
    Thanks for the help! I appreciate it! I will definitely make sure i go through with PCT next time i cycle. Well i am out of here for today but i will holla back at yall.

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