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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1

    Question First Cycle

    Although this is my first official post, I have been reading from behind the seens for several weeks now. I also have visited Extreme Fitness on a regular basis for info and insight.

    A little about myself...

    29 years old
    6'2" tall
    195 pounds

    I have been in and out of the gym pretty regularly for about 3 years now. I typically work my ass off for 3-4 months until I get frustrated with results and quit working out for a few months. I just started back and this time I want to try something new. I need to see results. By results I mean size and strength gains.

    I am looking to attempt my first cycle. What I have in mind is:

    Dianabol       25mg/day       -4 weeks
    Sustanon    250mg/week    -10
    Deca          200mg/week    -10
    (Nolvadex         everyday while taking Dianabol)
    Clomid           Post cycle
    I've read alot about how Sustanon is no good unless you take it every other day... I've read how its good but not for beginners... Others say the opposite.

    I am curious as to what the general consensus is in regards to this 1st cycle. Good or Bad?

    I appreciate your feedback. I trust your insight.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i would just go with enanthate or cyp at 4-500mg a week..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Test alone is the perfect first cycle Test E at 400mg/week 10 weeks - with Nolva 10mg ED remember your PCT also 20mg Nolva and your clomid - how long are you back in the gym this time ? If you can't work out for at least 6 months before running the cycle - I wouldn't run it - also how is your diet ? Are you eating enough ?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter
    how long are you back in the gym this time? If you can't work out for at least 6 months before running the cycle - I wouldn't run it - also how is your diet ? Are you eating enough ?
    Been back in the gym right at 6 months.

    Eating every 2 hours.

    Also, what kind of gains should I expect from Test alone as you suggested?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    everyone will see different gains, a lot of it depends on your diet...keep it clean

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    My boy and I are both on our first cycles. I'm using Test E and dbol and through 4 weeks I've gained nearly 20 lbs. My boy is using Sus and dbol for his first and has gained roughly 15 lbs through 4 weeks. He's only injecting 250mg on MON THUR but it seems to be working for him.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Docta-G
    My boy and I are both on our first cycles. I'm using Test E and dbol and through 4 weeks I've gained nearly 20 lbs. My boy is using Sus and dbol for his first and has gained roughly 15 lbs through 4 weeks. He's only injecting 250mg on MON THUR but it seems to be working for him.
    How much test E and dbol are you taking?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    it tells you right up there in my post but 30 mg of dbol every day and 500 mg Test E per week

  9. #9
    OK, I appreciate the feedback and advice. I've decided to go with Test E instead of Sustanon. (Was Powerlifter's analogy about the ship in rough seas that converted me But instead of simply going for Test E alone for 10 weeks, I am planning on doing Dbol for the first weeks since it will be four weeks before the Test E really kicks in (right?).

    So the way it is looking is:

    1-4 25 mg Dbol ED
    1-10 500 mg Test E
    1-10 20 mg Nolv
    PCT Clomid usual
    This is very similar as you can see to Docta-G's. But all my research has lead me to believe that this is simple yet effective for a first cycle.

    Any Final Thoughts?

    Thanks again,
    Last edited by digitalje5u5; 03-07-2004 at 09:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Is 10mg Nolv ED fine for an 8 week cycle? Gonna do 25-35mg Dbol weeks 1-4 and 500mg test E weeks 1-8. All I have I can do is an eight weeks cycle right now.


  11. #11

  12. #12
    In regards to doing 500mg/week of Test E: How should this be taken? 250mg every 3 days? or 500mg at one time?


  13. #13

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Newport Beach CA
    You sound like exactly like me a few months ago. Almost same stats 6'3 185

    First cycle
    Deca 300 1ml wk
    Sust 250 .5ml eod
    I gained 26 lbs with some fat but i was very pleased with the results. i didnt use dianabol. In week 4 is when i started to notice drastic results. strength stamina and size.

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