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Thread: T-3 Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    T-3 Results

    For those of you that did T-3..what were your results and how long did you run it much did you lose from the waist?? Thanx to any answers back!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    For those of you that did T-3..what were your results and how long did you run it much did you lose from the waist?? Thanx to any answers back!!
    i really don't use it as a fat loss agent.

    i generally run it when i am trying to bulk in order to help weed off some of the fat gain associated with high cal. intake.

    for some it works wonders, but others is not as effective as running clen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    I myself have not used T-3, but my source says that it is so potent that unless your a hardcore show guy or a 450lbs. fat ass, that clen is the way to go. He says it just eats too much muscle even on aas. Hope that helps. He also believe that it is dangerous to your thyroid despite what most think even when ramping.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by g_style
    I myself have not used T-3, but my source says that it is so potent that unless your a hardcore show guy or a 450lbs. fat ass, that clen is the way to go. He says it just eats too much muscle even on aas. Hope that helps. He also believe that it is dangerous to your thyroid despite what most think even when ramping.

    it's good stuf....I can push and pull wait easily,, my friend and I both took it in the fall and I lost like 7 lbs in 2 weeks, went to a 30 waste, but I weighed 215 still.....He lost around 30 lbs in 6 weeks, which was too much, and he maintained good lean mass while using fina with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by g_style
    I myself have not used T-3, but my source says that it is so potent that unless your a hardcore show guy or a 450lbs. fat ass, that clen is the way to go. He says it just eats too much muscle even on aas. Hope that helps. He also believe that it is dangerous to your thyroid despite what most think even when ramping.

    it's good stuf....I can push and pull wait easily,, my friend and I both took it in the fall and I lost like 7 lbs in 2 weeks, went to a 30 waste, but I weighed 215 still.....He lost around 30 lbs in 6 weeks, which was too much, and he maintained good lean mass while using fina with it.

  6. #6
    I'm currently running a cycle of it before my next gear cycle.
    First off, this **** makes you majorly hungry.
    second, It works very well on giving energy I can run for twice as long

    but my heartrate shoots over 200 in a couple minutes after running. so I can't ephedrine with it anymore.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by g_style
    I myself have not used T-3, but my source says that it is so potent that unless your a hardcore show guy or a 450lbs. fat ass, that clen is the way to go. He says it just eats too much muscle even on aas. Hope that helps. He also believe that it is dangerous to your thyroid despite what most think even when ramping.
    Has your friend ever taken t3?...if he did he didn't know what he was doing obviously!

    T3 isn't dangerous if you know what your doing...and a small dose of test will keep you from losing muscle during administration of t3.

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