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Thread: Need help completing my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Laredo, Texas

    Need help completing my cycle

    Hey guys whats going on?

    I have a question for ya'll

    I am going to do the following:

    8 week cycle

    1-8 T3 - tappering up from 12.5 to 100 down to 12.5 again
    1-8 Clen/NYC alternating every 2 weeks each one

    Now my question is: If using EQ, Anavar, Primobolan or Parabolan for this would be ok instead of Prop?

    The reason I say this is becuase I have never taken any AS's and I figured that EQ, Var, Primobolan and Parabolan could help me maintain more LBM while using T3 and Clen. What is ya'lls opinions on this and what would you recommend me taking for adding at least 5 to 10 pounds of mucsle while cutting my fat down drastically.

    I live in Laredo, Texas so going across to get these would be no problem for me. I just need to know which one to try first with this cycle.

    I have my diet in check and I am doing cardio 4-5 times a week for about 30-1 hour (bike riding and playing basketball) i know and I learned the hard way that diet and cardio are the keys for me acheiving what I want in my physique.

    Breakfast: Bowl of cereal/w fat free milk
    Snack: Shake
    Lunch: Chicken Breast/w rice or potato
    PostWO: Shake
    Dinner: Chicken Breast or Lean Meat with a salad

    Workout is 1 body part per day except for Tri's and chest on the same day with abs, forearms, and calves worked out every 2nd day.

    Tuesday-Tri's and Chest

    In your opinion what would be the best AS to take with T3 and Clen and at how much?

    Or maybe I shouldn't take any AS with this since I am pretty heavy and using the T3 will help me lose more fat at a greater rate. I know what T3 can do to me without any aid of a AS but do you think it will really eat up my muscles since i have quite a bit of fat?

    Please be honest with me and by the way I have made my mind up to use T3 and clen. I just need help in completing this cycle and getting a PCT also for this cycle.

    Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    No matter what else you run, run test.
    Everyone will say Prop, and so will I, but honestly, it really doesn't matter, the water will drop later anyway.
    First Time? Personally, I can tell you that I don't think you have a clue what you're getting into.
    But if Hard Headed Irresponsibility is going to be your "Driving Force" then I will tell you that enough Gear to keep yourself from getting ate alive from the T3 is all you need....That and 300+ gms of Protein ED.
    Test Enanthate, 250mg E4D. Nolva @ 10-20mg ED. (L-dex is a nice addition as well)
    But I'm gonna say it again before I go, I think you're blowin' it.....You've NEVER even cycled and you wanna run T3/Clen???
    If you knew what kinds of results were possible just by having Higher than Normal Test levels, eating Clean, and combining Weight Training with one or more form of Cardio, you'd be astounded (However this requires hard work)
    I'm not even going to add to this mayhem by advising you on EQ, Var...let alone Para or Primo, niether of which you would likely find real anyway.
    Do it simple first.
    Last edited by TheSevnthWarrior; 03-10-2004 at 01:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i agree. Test should be the base of all of your cycles. You should also make sure you have it if you are running t3 so it doesnt eat your muscles (catabolic). You can stack other compounds with it, but test is something that needs to be your base.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Laredo, Texas


    Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it. I will go ahead and start with test first. A small test only cycle with keeping a strict diet and cardio, Then ater this I will do my second cutting cycle with T3/Clen and Test, maybe also adding a little Var or Winny.

    I think starting with test only first would be the best thing to do. But would it matter what test i use for cutting as long as my diet is concrete and my cardio is set? I know that Prop has the lowest Water Retention of all but is there a way to cut with all tests?

    As a beginner I plan on taking around 50mg of prop every 2nd day.

    Thanks for your help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    50mg e2d wont cut it... first cycle or not

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Laredo, Texas
    How much Test Prop will cut it for every 2 days?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    Quote Originally Posted by reyjr1124
    How much Test Prop will cut it for every 2 days?
    50mg ED, shoot prop every day, the difference between ED and EOD is remarkable

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Laredo, Texas
    Thank I appreciate it.......i will go ahead and do this ED

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