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Thread: antibiotics and juice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester

    antibiotics and juice

    hello bro's

    Does anyone know about the effects that antibiotics will have upon my cycle. My cycle consist of prop sust dianabol and ethan.

    I have been prescribed them for a lump in my right buttock and am quite concerned about the lump so would like to try and clear it up with the antibiotics.

    But as the long acting easters are already in my system dont wana stop my coures or mess it up what are your thoughts veiws or experiences thanks tuna

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I don't know if there are any possible negative side effects from mixing the two but I can tell you I have been on ampicillin thru the course of 2 seperate cycles with no problems.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    hello bro's

    Does anyone know about the effects that antibiotics will have upon my cycle. My cycle consist of prop sust dianabol and ethan.

    I have been prescribed them for a lump in my right buttock and am quite concerned about the lump so would like to try and clear it up with the antibiotics.

    But as the long acting easters are already in my system dont wana stop my coures or mess it up what are your thoughts veiws or experiences thanks tuna
    Some people will say antibiotics will inhibit protein synthesis.....they will. Bacteria's not yours. Two completely separate things there. What did the doc put you on?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    "Does anyone know about the effects that antibiotics will have upon my cycle. My cycle consist of prop sust dianabol and ethan."

    -----Who's "ethan"???? a hot boy??......just kiddin!!!!!

    I had taken anti b's before when on a cycle, depending on what it is, it can affect what your on.....but u'll probably be fine man....


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    hello bro's

    My cycle consist of prop sust dianabol and ethan.
    What's up with all the different test esters?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester
    The doc put me on fluxotine;

    The reason for the different esters is the dianobol was for kwick acting and I wanted to use sust and prop. But as the prop need eod inj the pain off prop was unbearabl so Ive changed over to ethan. So now have a good old cocktail effect going on inside me.

    Many board members told me that the sust needed to be injected every other day what would your opinions be on this. eod inj suck for the next 7 wk Im running just 500mg ethan btu will run 100mg prop eod for the last week to get ready for pcr

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    The doc put me on fluxotine;

    The reason for the different esters is the dianobol was for kwick acting and I wanted to use sust and prop. But as the prop need eod inj the pain off prop was unbearabl so Ive changed over to ethan. So now have a good old cocktail effect going on inside me.

    Many board members told me that the sust needed to be injected every other day what would your opinions be on this. eod inj suck for the next 7 wk Im running just 500mg ethan btu will run 100mg prop eod for the last week to get ready for pcr
    You mean fluoxetine? If so, that's not an antibiotic....that's a whole other issue, which has also been covered in past posts.
    Sust would be most effective if shot EOD to keep blood levels most constant. Since you have test E now, stick with that. Use prop the last 2 weeks, then on to pct

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    lol im with einstien...i dont think that it is fluoxetine... i think that might be a lil off. I cant even think of an AB near that name. There's a **floxacin??? floroquinolone....could that possibly be it??

    on a guess though you should be a ok. most antibiotics are pretty selective for just the bug.
    Last edited by jurichar; 03-11-2004 at 07:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester
    soory i got it wron g the correct name of antibiotic isflucloxacillin

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    soory i got it wron g the correct name of antibiotic isflucloxacillin

    i see that you still need to work on your english skills

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester
    yes man.. Well you work on your people skills and Ill work on my english skills.

    Fool, Do you really think that If I wanted.I couldn't use correct punctuation. I ace'd English at school. However I prefer to write the way I choose. And when Im typing quickly post after post. I see puntuation as an obstacle slowing my replys. In the uk we have sms text messages were you are bound by how many words to each 10p message. The service has a multi million pound turnover and is very popular. But has spanwned its own version of shorthand. Thats why my english is different to what you read in a book. Im used to communicating with people who have the intelligence to know that yes the message is inncorrect english but the format is quicker and easier to type thus allowing cheaper and speedier flow of chat. So the intelligent people that usually commincate with me would not assume Im thick, But comprehend the usefulness of short type sms format. I sorry that did not realise this and that you are a person of low intelligence. After all sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

    And you are one sarcastic son of a bitch. Dont think that I havent noticed youre constant insults and attempts at wit have not been noticed you been riding my tail all over this board. So may I take this opportunity to flip you the bird turd

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    yes man.. Well you work on your people skills and Ill work on my english skills.

    Fool, Do you really think that If I wanted.I couldn't use correct punctuation. I ace'd English at school. However I prefer to write the way I choose. And when Im typing quickly post after post. I see puntuation as an obstacle slowing my replys. In the uk we have sms text messages were you are bound by how many words to each 10p message. The service has a multi million pound turnover and is very popular. But has spanwned its own version of shorthand. Thats why my english is different to what you read in a book. Im used to communicating with people who have the intelligence to know that yes the message is inncorrect english but the format is quicker and easier to type thus allowing cheaper and speedier flow of chat. So the intelligent people that usually commincate with me would not assume Im thick, But comprehend the usefulness of short type sms format. I sorry that did not realise this and that you are a person of low intelligence. After all sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

    And you are one sarcastic son of a bitch. Dont think that I havent noticed youre constant insults and attempts at wit have not been noticed you been riding my tail all over this board. So may I take this opportunity to flip you the bird turd
    I see you have not changed a bit... comments like this and insults are the exact reason the everyone wanted to ban you(and almost got it done, by the way) earlier. You need to grow a thicker skin, bro. Nobody is going to answer your posts if you reply back like this to nearly every comment. And as for having to type fast and needing to get the post out... slow down, there's no hurry. The board is not going anywhere and people get turned off by having to read comments that they can barely piece together. It may take you a few secons to type it saving you time, but it take some people awhile to try and figure out what your trying to say. Remember yopur asking for help, so make it easier onthose trying to help you, not on yourself. In other words, be selfless. And don't try to pull the uneducated or simpleton thing with me... my IQ is right around 140, o lack of intelligence is not my problem. Friendly advice... work on this stuff or nobody will give you the time of day

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna
    yes man.. Well you work on your people skills and Ill work on my english skills.

    Fool, Do you really think that If I wanted.I couldn't use correct punctuation. I ace'd English at school. However I prefer to write the way I choose. And when Im typing quickly post after post. I see puntuation as an obstacle slowing my replys. In the uk we have sms text messages were you are bound by how many words to each 10p message. The service has a multi million pound turnover and is very popular. But has spanwned its own version of shorthand. Thats why my english is different to what you read in a book. Im used to communicating with people who have the intelligence to know that yes the message is inncorrect english but the format is quicker and easier to type thus allowing cheaper and speedier flow of chat. So the intelligent people that usually commincate with me would not assume Im thick, But comprehend the usefulness of short type sms format. I sorry that did not realise this and that you are a person of low intelligence. After all sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

    And you are one sarcastic son of a bitch. Dont think that I havent noticed youre constant insults and attempts at wit have not been noticed you been riding my tail all over this board. So may I take this opportunity to flip you the bird turd

    i was just jkn......but now im serious,better think about who your talkin to bro...IMO you dont belong on this board you have disrespected some good bros on here...and as far as post after post..... yeah, youve got alot of them 100+ and ill bet 75% of them was you disrespecting bros on this my advise to you is to get your head out of your a** and treat the bros on the board some respect.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    bump...for tunas explanation

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester

    Im sorry man I dont know whats wrong with me. firefighter5287 is on the money about my typing and im gonna slow down.

    Jbol youre right I keep replying with stupid smart ass comments. When I read youre reply before I remember being insulted and feeling like I had to defend my honour or somat. I was so mad, Went red in the face and everything.

    then Ive replied with some weird rubbish about sms txt messages and you having low intelligence this is about the 10th time Ive had to say sorry On this board.

    Its humbling to realise Im a bit of an arshole. I cant understand whats wrong with me typing post like that is uncool. Im normally so cool and controlled get on well with every one the most placid guy around.

    Yet gimme a pc and I turn into some fool.
    Thats the only word for it fool.

    Im sorry jbol and everyone else Im sorry for being such a asshole.
    I wonder if its the juice or some kind of repressed issue thing??

    Anyway Im gonna act my age now. Im a father of three typing childish post what fool man anyway.....SORRY....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tuna

    Im sorry man I dont know whats wrong with me. firefighter5287 is on the money about my typing and im gonna slow down.

    Jbol youre right I keep replying with stupid smart ass comments. When I read youre reply before I remember being insulted and feeling like I had to defend my honour or somat. I was so mad, Went red in the face and everything.

    then Ive replied with some weird rubbish about sms txt messages and you having low intelligence this is about the 10th time Ive had to say sorry On this board.

    Its humbling to realise Im a bit of an arshole. I cant understand whats wrong with me typing post like that is uncool. Im normally so cool and controlled get on well with every one the most placid guy around.

    Yet gimme a pc and I turn into some fool.
    Thats the only word for it fool.

    Im sorry jbol and everyone else Im sorry for being such a asshole.
    I wonder if its the juice or some kind of repressed issue thing??

    Anyway Im gonna act my age now. Im a father of three typing childish post what fool man anyway.....SORRY....
    well i do have to admit that is one helluva good apology.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    england manchester
    I mean it.

    I just cant seem to help myself somtimes. at time I dont realise what a bum im being, It seems like Im in the right and everyone will agree with me. But taking some time out and reading what Ive been typing mannnnn No wonder every one keeps posting this guy has problems. I have!!!!

    Im gonna change though definatley.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Holy crap! Congrats Tuna for taking constructive criticism... your on your way

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    i was just reading over this thread and tuna has totally appologized so there is no reason to fuel the fire......if you're not a fan of tuna then don't help him out on his posts, but we're all adults here so lets just drop this thread......agreed?

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