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Thread: Cutting/Diet Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Manchester UK

    Cutting/Diet Question


    Ive got estrogen induced fat storage on my pecs from slight gyno over the last couple of stacks. I wanna lose this before i start my next bulking cycle- just to prove to myself i ccn actually get rid of it and its not permanent gyno (no lumps).
    Ive got T3 and clen and loads of Sus250 and Winstrol 50mg amps

    Now i want to lose as little muscle mass as possible while dieting.
    Can i say take 250mg of sus per week while im using the T3 to limit muscle loss? or will the Test cause problems with my fat breakdown?

    I dont care about water retention- not that id get much with 250mg- its the finished product im concerned about.

    suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    do not take test if u are concerned about gyno. 250 mg will shut u down and wont be effective. sust has prob in it wich should be taken e2d or e3d. just lay off the steroids since they all would shut u down and save them for the next cycle.

    if its realy gyno then theres no way u can get rid of it. i thought the same thing as u do now i thought i had gyno but it was just excessive body fat.. im currently dieting now and my chest looks solid im glad it wasnt gyno.

    imho.. just diet now.. lay off the t3 clen etc etc.. give your body a nice break do a ckd diet see where u stand in a month or 2.

    once again lay off the test. lower your body fat to see where u stand.. as u said u dont care about water rentation.. well thats wrong u should.. coz if you want to lower your body fat water will still hide your true physque. 250 is a waste.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Manchester UK

    Ive also got plenty of arimidex and some proviron, so if i took the sus, more gyno shouldnt be a problem?????
    when i said about not caring about the water retention- i meant that once id finished the dieting and sus, that will go away, so i wasnt concerned.

    I remember they used to say Clen was an anti catabolic, but this seems to be debated now. Whats the current view on this?

    so basically- your saying-dont use any gear and just diet?

  4. #4
    yes.. lay off all gear and fat burners.. get on a strict diet loose weight natrualy without chemicals see where u stand in 1 or 2 months save the gear and collect some more.

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