I have 1700 mg of anavar (syd) and around 175 t3 @ 25 mcg I think. I have these from the last cycle that I stopped because I was having pain while running. I really want to keep running but I also am wanting to gain some lbm and definition. My workout plan will incorporate running for the first time while on cycle. This is to keep my cardiovascular strong and to make sure that the gains are lean. Thus I need a cycle that will compliment my goals and workout strategy. Since the last attempt was just var/t3 I think I will add in test/eq into this one. I havn't used test in a cycle in over 14 months now and I think I'm due.
I am not a pro with var but this is a plan based on what I do know
test wk 1-12 500mg
eq wk 1-12 400mg (first time /w eq)
var wk 6-12 40mg/day
t3 wk 6-12 using the 5/40/55 rule (of course)
How does this sound? Goals are to gain lbm, definition and allow for the continuation of a little fat burning with the main focus of the cardio being to keep running given a higher blood pressure. Iron will be higher reps 10-12 with max weight possible for the set to finish (probably low on bulkers like deads/squats). Cardio will be running 3-5 times/wk 2 miles min, with variety low intensity (cycling, hiking, etc)
Any feedback from the experienced bros on here would be great. I really don't need advice from guys who have never done a cycle or are on the first.
RAMP IS BACK!!!!!! (after 8 months in hiding)