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Thread: A LITTLE HELP ON MY 1st Cycle

  1. #1

    Question A LITTLE HELP ON MY 1st Cycle

    undefinedundefinedundefined I am 54 190 5'9" stocky but B/F probably about 25%

    I am on Atkins and would like to keep carbs low Have read a lot of threads but still some questions

    weeks 1-10 400 test cypionate

    Need advice on how much Arimi I should use and Clomid should start when and how much

    At my age I just dont plan on major bulking I just want to get a little bigger stronger and harder.

    Comments Please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hey bro...I think you need to work on diet and cardio first.Get your bf down to 14% or so.By then you'll have your diet and training down much better and can possibly use some anabolics then.

    Good luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    25% is a lot of fat, liek da bull said cardio and some diet are in order

  4. #4
    Thanks for the advice Bro's I know the B/F is high but I am ex marine with a lot more muscle than you think. I am not coming at this from a BB perspective but just want signifigant strength and muscle gain. Know how to train and am training hard. I am already fighting a low Tes level and that is why I want to cycle

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dowstrategy
    Thanks for the advice Bro's I know the B/F is high but I am ex marine with a lot more muscle than you think. I am not coming at this from a BB perspective but just want signifigant strength and muscle gain. Know how to train and am training hard. I am already fighting a low Tes level and that is why I want to cycle
    One of the big concerns with bf that high is that there will be lots of estrogen conversion. It would be wise to really concentrate on dropping the bf% first, as mentioned before. You'll be able to better appreciate the gains (and gain better IMO) when your bf% is lower.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    One of the big concerns with bf that high is that there will be lots of estrogen conversion. It would be wise to really concentrate on dropping the bf% first, as mentioned before. You'll be able to better appreciate the gains (and gain better IMO) when your bf% is lower.

    Now that is useful info!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dowstrategy
    Thanks for the advice Bro's I know the B/F is high but I am ex marine with a lot more muscle than you think. I am not coming at this from a BB perspective but just want signifigant strength and muscle gain. Know how to train and am training hard. I am already fighting a low Tes level and that is why I want to cycle
    I understand what your saying.....and for what it's worth you don't have many years on me.
    But you still need to loose some bf,you don't want to cycle with that high a number,it can get out of control.Knock it down 10pts,then think about your cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dowstrategy
    Thanks for the advice Bro's I know the B/F is high but I am ex marine with a lot more muscle than you think. I am not coming at this from a BB perspective but just want signifigant strength and muscle gain.
    you may have all of the muscle in the world, but bodyfat percentage is telling us what percentage of your weight is fat. A person can be 100 pounds and if they are 25%bf then they would have 25lbs of fat. If you have a lot more muslce and are 200 then at 25% you would have 50lbs of fat. You should lower your bf percentage down to around 15 first.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    bro if your already working with low test levels talk to the doc and see about HRT.... maybe he can get you on it which could help you out...

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