Alrighty guys. It's that time of the year again to get down and dirty and cut for summer time.
I was originally planning on:
-Wk1-12: EQ 400mg (I wanna do 500mg, but due to funds, can not). -TT
-Wk1-8: Test 400mg (Test E- -Just for some extra lean mass, and to hold onto what i got)- BR
-Wk7-14:Winny 50mged-**
-Clen 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off (Cycled throughout)-Spiro/Oxy
-Liquidex .5mged through week 10, take a break from it, and then finish it through clomid therapy.
-Nolva on hand.
-Clomid the standard 300mg/ 100mg/ 50.
***** Or. . .
What do you guys think of doing winny Wk1-4 taking a break till week 8, then running it from 8-14? Is that too much, I personally love the idea, but maybe I need some sense slapped into me.
Thanks guys, that's it for now.