Hi all,
Well new to this board, have been on a few other but well
they went bad in my eyes...
Have checked this one for some time and felt it was time to say introduce myself..(I already like the atmosphere here..)
To make it short..
29 years old..traning ?well at least 15 years. 102kg, around 13% fat, 178 cm tall(short ??) all natural..so far. But not for any longer soooon...![]()
Have a lot of friends at the gym that have and do juice..but have always been the "good" guy. Well with precerverance(sp ?) I have almost keept up with those guys,(during the years) but well I think I hit my natural peak now...so![]()
For my first I think about
W1-4 D.bal 25mg/day
W1-10 EQ 400-500mg/week
w 8-12 Winny 50mg/day
I'll run Armidex the first 5 weeks. And then clomid etc...
Any thoughts ??? ..All input welcome.
Then my Q, whats the half-life for Boldebal-H/ BOLDEONE UNDECYLENATE (EQ).
And my english sucks sometimes, sorry- not my mother-tounge.