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Thread: TF EQ making me feel crap?

  1. #1

    Arrow TF EQ making me feel crap?


    A friend and i are just coming to the second week of a TF EQ @ 400mg/week & TF Test Enth @ 500mg/week (we front-loaded both in the 1st week) and we both feel really crappy!

    When is ay crappy we are both really tired, but neither of us can sleep properly when we get to bed and just generally feeling not so good. It actually affected my workout today as i was feeling "under the weather".

    This is my 5th cycle but my 1st with lab gear & i have never had this feeling before (but it is my 1st time using EQ). #

    Im just wondering if this is normal? Any tips or can you put my mind at ease?

    Look forward to speaking to someone.


  2. #2
    I felt like ass the first time I ran EQ for the first three weeks. I also got the test flu... so I was a mess. They both worked themselves out of my system. I would give it another week or two. If you are still feeling like crap at the end of the forth week, i would check in with your source.

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