I'm looking for moderate size/strength gains (lean muscle only).
TOP Priority is getting LEANER and HARDER
Need to CUT-UP and lose some size around the mid-section (so, dieting advice to go along with this cycle would be helpful).
I have: (don't have to use all of this stuff on this cycle)
250mg/50ml Sustanon 250 (Organon)
20ml/50mg Winstrol
10ml/200mg Equipoise
10ml/100mg Primobolon
10mg/100 tabs Dbol
25mcg/100 tabs Cynomel (T3) Liotironina
10000iu/10ml HCG
10mg/100 tabs Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)
80iu HGH
Current stats:
6'2" - 235lbs - 15% BF
6'2" - 240 lbs - <10% BF
Age: 33
4 previous cycles: Deca, winstrol, primo, cyp, sustanon, hgh