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Thread: 1st cycle Q"s

  1. #1

    Question 1st cycle Q"s

    Hey guys,

    From what I have researched, I think this is a decent newbie cycle. However, I will risk the flames to be sure.


    I am 35 5'9.5" and 190 #. Have been lifting for most of my life for overall fitness and have taken an interest in body building in the last couple of years. I have gotten my diet down fairly clean. Approx 250 g of protein with 10-15% fat and quality carbs. I would like to put on 10# of quality mass while cutting down bodyfat. I would say i am around 12-15% body fat. By the way, I started this cycle this week. I know! I know! could not help myself. Any way here it is.

    WK 1-11 200 mg TT cyp/ wk

    WK 1-10 300 mg TT EQ/ wk 150 mg Mon and thurs

    .5 mg arimidex ed

    WK 13-15 clomid 300mg.(1st day) 100mg.(1st 10 day) 50 mg( 10-20) taper

    600 mg ed ala
    320 mg ed saw palmetto
    multi- vit ed

    I am concerned about hairloss. Is the test so low that I dont have to worry? What are the best was to get proscar, nizoral 2%?
    can I get it online legally? do not wanna screw with home doc on this one.

    Also, was wondering If I can get awa with less arimidex.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    you need to up the test to at least 400mgs per week , and the eq also to at least 400mgs per week. as for balding, unless you have a family history of it you dont have to worry with a cycle like this. dont start clomid until 4 weeks after your last injection of cyp.

    also, never say in open forum that you need something. scammers just wait for opprotunitys like that. if someone ever pm's you claiming to be a source, get a source check through a mod.

    welcome to the board bro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Welcome aboard BTB!

  4. #4

    Thanks BigKev

    Can I break the cyp shots up to 200mg on the days I do the EQ to get to the total of 400mg/ wk. Ive gotten mixed info on this. I really dont want to do 2cc shots of cyp on the same day I would be doing 1cc of eq. My cherry is still sore and I am afraid of a 3cc shot until I get a little more practice

    Thanks for the heads up on scammers. Would never do anything over the net. But, I sure dont need the hassle.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    always split your injections up into 2 per week bro. thats a real good idea.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Yep! just do 1cc of EQ and 1cc of cyp in the same shot twice a week. the EQ will help with the pain also.

  7. #7

    Thanks Big Kev and Mallet

    I appreciate all your help. I'll keep you posted on the results.


  8. #8
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by bigkev

    [B]. dont start clomid until 4 weeks after your last injection of cyp.

    het kev are you sure about this?
    i was under the assumption that 2 wks was correct

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I was thinking more like 3 weeks myself? With sus i would maybe wait 4 weeks!

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