this was posted at by zach g 85:
"Folks, as you all know the issue of drugs in sports has reared its head with the whole steroids in baseball thing, with Balco labs, THG, etc, etc. I have been doing several radio interviews on the issue. I was interviewed on KNBR radio yesterday to talk about the use of juice in baseball and sports in general. Some odd questions were thrown at me, but all in all, the guy was not being some anti steroid or andro crusader, which was cool. Did my best to clear up the BS and misinformation on the issue, but it’s hard to do in 15 minutes. I have other interviews to do this and next week on the same topic. I did KSFB 1220 AM, in the San Francisco Bay area last night. The interview I did with KNBR on the Rick Barry show can be heard at link below.
Enjoy! "
good to see a positive outlook on gear for once, i think he gave good answers without being biased one way or the other