whats up bro's did a search on oki and japan got mixed results. anybody know bout the laws in okinawa and some good **** to do?? haha im gonna be over there for about 8 months... USMC ooh rah
whats up bro's did a search on oki and japan got mixed results. anybody know bout the laws in okinawa and some good **** to do?? haha im gonna be over there for about 8 months... USMC ooh rah
Ahh...The Rock. Only thing I ever found was methyltestosterone, and I looked everywhere.
Originally Posted by manniefresh
OOH RAH Devil Dawg! As a retired GySgt (retired last December)I can tell you this about Japan. Be very careful. Have ever been before? Don't take anything with you as they will run the dogs through your stuff as soon as you arrive. Spent a few years in Iwakuni during my 21 years in the Corps and those **** dog sniffed everytime. They even took my effidrine away once when I went on det. over there.
maybe you could order it online or something? I'm sure that they are way strict over there but I thought I would throw that in there... do you get your mail via the US military? Would they find it..?
1st time over in oki , retired gunny **** bro u are the man! hah ima lance right now, dogs? **** never had the dogs unleashed. searches sure but no dogs haha i guess when i dont fit into my uniform cuz i gained 20 pounds in a month maybe that will bring the dogs on me haha. i usually juss getmy mail sent to my home addy since im bouncin around.. as the world goes down the ****ter.. im lookin forward to goin over to the rock though i hear its good ****. thanks for the replys fellas.
give em one.. OOH RAH
Where you at over there bro? I spent several fly-aways over at Camp Hanson...say hello to kinville for me...lol...
not for sure yet, we are leavin late april i think be over there till december im motor t so hopefully i can drive some skylines haha. what / who is kinville and do i really wanna know? lol. pz bros
whats up man, you just gotta be careful over there, but yea i havent heard about the good**** over there so you might wanna do some research before.... ooooo rahhh devil dog
Check out the bannana show.
hehe Kinville is a little town outside the base, right outside the front gate, where you hangout, get laid, get drunk, get stupid...not necessarily in that order...
check out sgt peppers bar....if its still there....probably is...pretty cool....
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