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Thread: steroid detection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Fredericton, N.B.

    steroid detection

    Hey all, I'm new to the board! I have a couple of important questions for everyone. Sometime within this year I have to do a urine sample. It's the last step for my enrollment as an Air Traffic Controller. Now they said that they probably weren't gonna call me until the fall, but I was wondering if steroids will show up in any piss test or do they actually have to test the sample specifically for steroids? I checked under detection times for the cycle that I have, but I wanted to run it buy you all first. As of now (March 24th) I have Cytahoh (sustanon 250), Finabolan (trenbolone) and Winstrol Depot. After that was finished I was gonna do some Propinate, Equipoise, and continue the Winstrol Depot. Could some of you let me know your experience with urine samples and how long will each of the products listed above be traceable in my system through a urine sample. I just don't understand if when given a urine sample, does everything in your system show up or do they have to test the urine for specific maybe they may only test for marijuana, cocaine, does it work?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    they have to do a completly diff test for steroid detection wich costs around 500$ a person to do anyway by law if they test for roids it will show up in your paperwork before the test, its not like your in a sport, or in a BB compatition, i see no reason for them to test you for AAS but to be safe you better ask sombody who works at this place who you trust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Fredericton, N.B.
    Anyone else have anything to add.....Thanks Barbarian!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Barbarian pretty much summed it up. I will almost guarantee that they will not test for AAS. It's very rare that a non-sports related organization does. I would stay away from any recreational drugs though, because they will probably test for all of the commonly used drugs.

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