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Thread: Whack it now.

  1. #1
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    Whack it now.

    hey fellas whats up, new member, i've been reading about an hour a day for the last 2-weeks trying to inform my persons about the ins and outs of cycling. but i'm kind of slow learner but the time has come where i need to make that all final decision on what ot get for my first cycle. i ve read a lot of the forums on first cycles and things to take. but i still would like an opion about my personal physique. so i need your help, lets run it down- i'm 5'9 200lbs around 15%bf give or take 2% tend to put on muscle alright. just curious on what might happen if i do. ya know. so i need to know asap! i don't want to put on a ton of MASS! and i will take my cycle however i need to to put on lean muscle keep this in mind. I know i need to base my cycle with test Prop. and that should be it for 1ST time,right but i want to add either equipose or primo. i have nolva and clomid which of these do you think would be better for me personnally? or should i just get the primo and EQ even though there is no test to even it out?

  2. #2
    bigcat3727's Avatar
    bigcat3727 is offline Junior Member
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    i think you should do a little bit more research than 2 weeks worth

  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    bro it sounds like you need to stick around a little longer before you start. YES test should be the base of every cycle no matter what. Test only is perfect for a first cycle as well. Test enanthate or cypionate is better for a first timer because of the less injections then prop. You need nolva and clomid. Nolva you take during the cycle to prevent gyno afterwards you take clomid to get your hpta back functioning properly

  4. #4
    TooSmall's Avatar
    TooSmall is offline Associate Member
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    find the answers to these questions:

    Question 1. True or False - Deca is a great cycle to do all by itself? (please give reasons why/why not)

    Question 2. True or False - DBOL only cycle is a great cycle to do all by itself. (please give reasons why/why not)

    Question 3. True or False - You can drink Winny

    Question 4. PCT stand for??? -

    Question 5. Buylongterm is a stud... (TRUE) (a freebie)

    Question 6. How should you run CLOMID -

    Question 7. Nolva is used for -

    Question 8. What is an Ester -

    Question 9. True or False - Taking steroids before the age of 21 is a good idea?

    Question 10. What is the best choice for a first cycle? -

    Question 11. What size (gauge) needle should one use for GLUTES.

  5. #5
    Froggy's Avatar
    Froggy is offline Member
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    You ain't that far off Bro. Do the test...if you can handle the amount of injections with the test prop then go for it...if not then go for test-e. Get some arimidex to go with your nolvadex . If you want to throw some primo in there then go for it, also. Do more research on PCT. Good luck on your cycle.

  6. #6
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubcadet
    hey fellas whats up, new member, i've been reading about an hour a day for the last 2-weeks trying to inform my persons about the ins and outs of cycling. but i'm kind of slow learner but the time has come where i need to make that all final decision on what ot get for my first cycle. i ve read a lot of the forums on first cycles and things to take. but i still would like an opion about my personal physique. so i need your help, lets run it down- i'm 5'9 200lbs around 15%bf give or take 2% tend to put on muscle alright. just curious on what might happen if i do. ya know. so i need to know asap! i don't want to put on a ton of MASS! and i will take my cycle however i need to to put on lean muscle keep this in mind. I know i need to base my cycle with test Prop. and that should be it for 1ST time,right but i want to add either equipose or primo. i have nolva and clomid which of these do you think would be better for me personnally? or should i just get the primo and EQ even though there is no test to even it out?
    how old are you???????

  7. #7
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    i know i need more k-ledge

    i would never do anything that i m not completely informed about. but i need to put in an order now! i read your entrance test earlier today i've read the god ****ed profiles a 100 times. i know i'm not an expert but i've been around people who've done it since i ve been lifting i can't quote the steroid bible but i'm not completely ignorant. i just have a small window of time to order other wise it might not happen again. I WILL NOT START UNTIL I"M COMPLETLY CONFIDENT ALL MY BASES ARE COVERED YOU DIG! PLEASE HELP OR TELL ME TO GET F**CKED

  8. #8
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    i'm 25

    lifted hard all through highschool wrestled, wrestled in college but didn't lift much. lifting solid for 1 1/2 plateaued a bit all my buddied have tried but i never had the jack or felt i didn't need it.

  9. #9
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubcadet
    i would never do anything that i m not completely informed about. but i need to put in an order now! i read your entrance test earlier today i've read the god ****ed profiles a 100 times. i know i'm not an expert but i've been around people who've done it since i ve been lifting i can't quote the steroid bible but i'm not completely ignorant. i just have a small window of time to order other wise it might not happen again. I WILL NOT START UNTIL I"M COMPLETLY CONFIDENT ALL MY BASES ARE COVERED YOU DIG! PLEASE HELP OR TELL ME TO GET F**CKED
    ok...heres my opinion...

    week 1-13 400mg Test E or Cyp EW
    week 1-12 400mg EQ EW
    Dex, and Nolva throughout
    Start clomid/nolva pct 2 weeks after your last test injection

    You dont need to do prop your first go...prop needs to be administered ED and i dont know if you can handle that fro 10 weeks your first go....i would go with eq over will give you similar results, and its less likely to be faked...

  10. #10
    El Diablo is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooSmall
    find the answers to these questions:

    Question 1. True or False - Deca is a great cycle to do all by itself? (please give reasons why/why not)

    Question 2. True or False - DBOL only cycle is a great cycle to do all by itself. (please give reasons why/why not)

    Question 3. True or False - You can drink Winny

    Question 4. PCT stand for??? -

    Question 5. Buylongterm is a stud... (TRUE) (a freebie)

    Question 6. How should you run CLOMID -

    Question 7. Nolva is used for -

    Question 8. What is an Ester -

    Question 9. True or False - Taking steroids before the age of 21 is a good idea?

    Question 10. What is the best choice for a first cycle? -

    Question 11. What size (gauge) needle should one use for GLUTES.
    False. Not many results, and loss of sex drive.

    False. Bloating...lose the weight later on. Dbol is very toxic to the you should only run it for about 4 weeks...

    True...Weve been over this MANY times..

    Post Cycle Therapy , nolvadex and clomid are good.

    False...He's a pimp.

    Read over this before...Dont remember though but im considering a cycle so ill read more..

    Need to reed on the Ester.

    False. ones natural testosterone can be shut down..

    TEST+xxx+xxx or test alone.

    25 gauge...1 inch. j/k lol

  11. #11
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    Get yourself some test and EQ or just do test by itself....simple as we need to tell you much more??

  12. #12
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubcadet
    hey fellas whats up, new member, i've been reading about an hour a day for the last 2-weeks trying to inform my persons about the ins and outs of cycling. but i'm kind of slow learner but the time has come where i need to make that all final decision on what ot get for my first cycle. i ve read a lot of the forums on first cycles and things to take. but i still would like an opion about my personal physique. so i need your help, lets run it down- i'm 5'9 200lbs around 15%bf give or take 2% tend to put on muscle alright. just curious on what might happen if i do. ya know. so i need to know asap! i don't want to put on a ton of MASS! and i will take my cycle however i need to to put on lean muscle keep this in mind. I know i need to base my cycle with test Prop. and that should be it for 1ST time,right but i want to add either equipose or primo. i have nolva and clomid which of these do you think would be better for me personnally? or should i just get the primo and EQ even though there is no test to even it out?
    We're here to help, but you'll find that people here are much more willing to help you if you've clearly demonstrated that you've taken the time to help yourself. Although you've read the drug profiles, you need to take more time to read posts because the drug profiles are less than half the story you need to know.

    Your needing to know stuff "ASAP" leads me to believe that you're rushing into using steriods which often leads to unnecessary mistakes and a tendency to follow any advice that's thrown at you quickly even if it's bad advice.

    Yes, test should be the base of your cycle, but Testosterone Propionate is not recommended for new users mainly due to the frequency of shots required. Unless you get human grade prop, you're probably going to cuss and rue your impatience when you find that certain types of gear such as vet prop stings like a bitch for days.

    Create a reasonable cylce and post it for a critique. Before you follow some cook book newbie cycle that someone posts for you or that you find somewhere, I suggest that you take time to know why the various AS are stacked together and why the cycle suggests a certain dose and what you should have in place before, during and after your cycle.

    Comeback with a little less urgency after you've spent more time learning the basics by reading, and you'll find that people will be incredibly helpful.
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 03-24-2004 at 09:16 PM.

  13. #13
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    i'm 25

    lifted hard all through highschool wrestled, wrestled in college but didn't lift much. lifting solid for 1 1/2 plateaued a bit all my buddied have tried but i never had the jack or felt i didn't need it.

  14. #14
    Froggy's Avatar
    Froggy is offline Member
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    If you do ColdStone's cycle with 400mg (real $hit) primo every week, you will be one ripped SOB.

  15. #15
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    just gettig a lot of info at one time

    like i said i would never do anything that i haven't researched myself, but i do need to move fast, if i get it and decide that maybe i got the wrong gear 4 me i won't do it their are plenty of people to take it off my hands. i guess i was relying on u guys to make my decsion but thats not what i intended just seeking a few suggestions, and i know u guys get asked all the time and im sure it gets annoying. thanx for the advice i'll do more r-search and let ya know

  16. #16
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good, I'm glad you're going to do more research. Here are some things to consider and things to read up on while you're considering your first cycle:

    I've read through all of your posts on the board (approximatley 10 so far). You might want to get it out of your head that steroids are going to make you huge very quickly. They won't--at least not as fast as you apparently think (based on your posts like--"I don't want get huge too fast"). The most you're going to put on during a cycle is on average 20lbs. However, that 20lbs usually consists of water weight, fat and lean mass (muscle). If you're diet is not in order then you might put on a hell of a lot of water weight and fat then loose it all soon after your cycle ends. Even if you do put on lean mass, you might lose it if you do not do PCT correctly.

    Some of the responses to your posts suggest that gear will make you cut. If you're diet isn't a cutting diet, and you're not doing ample cardio, then no amount of any steroid is going to get you cut.

  17. #17
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Good, I'm glad you're going to do more research. Here are some things to consider and things to read up on while you're considering your first cycle:

    I've read through all of your posts on the board (approximatley 10 so far). You might want to get it out of your head that steroids are going to make you huge very quickly. They won't--at least not as fast as you apparently think (based on your posts like--"I don't want get huge too fast"). The most you're going to put on during a cycle is on average 20lbs. However, that 20lbs usually consists of water weight, fat and lean mass (muscle). If you're diet is not in order then you might put on a hell of a lot of water weight and fat then loose it all soon after your cycle ends. Even if you do put on lean mass, you might lose it if you do not do PCT correctly.

    Some of the responses to your posts suggest that gear will make you cut. If you're diet isn't a cutting diet, and you're not doing ample cardio, then no amount of any steroid is going to get you cut.
    good advice bask8...but you loose points for the "double post" ...

    no really...listen to what he said...juice doesnt make you big, if that were the case every idiot in the gym would be, training, sleep, and recovery play a far more important role than the componds you takes multiple cycles to get really big, your not gonna blow up to 240 pounds and 9% bf after one takes years of hard work...keep that in mind...

  18. #18
    El Diablo is offline Banned
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    Yeah...Wats up with double posting lately??? I'm seeing it everywhere.

  19. #19
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    just my body type

    not that i think just going to blow up but with my body type ( short and thick) i can't really afford to carry any excess water weight and look the way i want to. i do 30 min of cardio a ( for right now will go up ) on efx burning about 350 calories. my diet isn't perfect but it is all fat free and based mostly on protien and good carbs and nuts for fat along w/couple of vitamins. would def step things if i were to par take.

  20. #20
    Froggy's Avatar
    Froggy is offline Member
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    BASK8KACE; no dis, bro, but, I'm going to take a wild guess and say your from Texas.
    No wrestling in Texas.

  21. #21
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubcadet
    not that i think just going to blow up but with my body type ( short and thick) i can't really afford to carry any excess water weight and look the way i want to. i do 30 min of cardio a ( for right now will go up ) on efx burning about 350 calories. my diet isn't perfect but it is all fat free and based mostly on protien and good carbs and nuts for fat along w/couple of vitamins. would def step things if i were to par take.

    I'm not trying to give you a hard time but you're saying things that scream "THIS PERSON SHOULD NOT USE STEROIDS ."

    If you don't have your diet in order, then starting steroids is utterly pointless. If you think you're gonna suddenly perfect your diet while on cycle or just before you start cycling, think again. This is the all time #1 mistake new steroid users make--poor diet.

    Fat is a necessary component of a diet--just make sure you include the right fats and the correct amounts. BTW, if you're eating nuts, your diet is not fat free.

    If it seems I'm picking on you, I'm only trying to make a point: You have much more to learn about AS and diet before you run out and buy.

    Now, I'm gonna let you in on a secret: After you read through this board a bit more, you're gonna impress the hell out of your friends who think they know something about steroids. You're gonna be amazed how much you know compared to them after spending a while just sitting, reading and asking questions here. I hope you stick around and participate. I look forward to you getting to the point where you are able tell a newbie the same things I'm telling you now.

    If you need help, you know where to find me--just make sure you do some diligent work/research before you knock.

  22. #22
    cubcadet is offline New Member
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    heard, i'm out

  23. #23
    Froggy's Avatar
    Froggy is offline Member
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    That is so true, maybe you ain't from Texas.

  24. #24
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    damm a fat free diet?!?!? That cant be good for you, especially if your tryiing to get huge

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