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  1. #1
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    ok so new cycle - need help with nolvadex and PCT

    im almost 100% posotive this will be my next cycle:

    125mg Prop EOD weeks 1-8
    75g Tren EOD weeks 1-8
    (Im not big on injecting any other place than the glutes - so EOD is more desireable) will i still bennefit? or should it really be ED?

    In regards to nolvadex and PCT - i was thiknking 10mg's liquid nolvadex weeks 1-8 but what should i do after my 8 weeks f test and tren? I have access to liquid nolvadex and Arimidex .....

  2. #2
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Armidex is not necessary here in my opinion. Depends on how you really want to keep off the estrogen. Nolvadex is a estrogen blocker that mimics estrogen and blocks estrogen from entering the cells. Armidex is an anti-aromatizer and keeps test from converting to estrogen in the first place but may inhibit proper growth. You need estrogen to balance out test in my opinion.

    I suggest anti-aromatizers to heavy cycles or to users that are prone to gyno problems. 10mg daily is suggestable to keep estrogen in check and bloat down. Up the Nolva to 20mg through PCT. Read my link in my sig on Clomid therapy for PCT and see what it is and how it is done.

    As for EOD injections. You will still grow but you need to keep this cycle more consistant for less side affects and proper growth. Both gear are fast acting esters that will be in and out daily. I always suggest tren ED. You need to keep consistant blood/plasma/test levels through out and reach a saturation phase quickly and maintain it as best you can for proper growth and less sides. I suggest ED injections over EOD in my opinion. Also watch lactation of the nipples for fina. Administer B6 200mg's 2-3x's daily if necessary. If more severe then administer Bromo.

    Good luck...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    im almost 100% posotive this will be my next cycle:

    125mg Prop EOD weeks 1-8
    75g Tren EOD weeks 1-8
    (Im not big on injecting any other place than the glutes - so EOD is more desireable) will i still bennefit? or should it really be ED?

    In regards to nolvadex and PCT - i was thiknking 10mg's liquid nolvadex weeks 1-8 but what should i do after my 8 weeks f test and tren? I have access to liquid nolvadex and Arimidex.....

  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    I would run the prop atleast 1 week past the fina... this will help on recovery

  4. #4
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    The only other option i had was to do sust EOD which i heard is better EOD anyways...... but then again - if i need to take tren everyday - i might as well go with prop then eh?

    I would like to do the clomids but i can't find them..... no1 i know has them - so what should i do?

  5. #5
    asiancuts's Avatar
    asiancuts is offline Associate Member
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    you can find clomid or "similar" products that work just as well at research order sites

  6. #6
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by asiancuts
    you can find clomid or "similar" products that work just as well at research order sites

    i know of "Clomex" it's an OTC drug that my dad took after his test 400 cycle...... i was jsut a little weary of the effectiveness of it. e dind't have any signs of gyno or anything tho.

    Another thing too - i can't swallow them - but they can be broken open - so would they still be effective if i put them in a scoop of vanilla ice cream - or in my protein shake?

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