I'll try to keep this short but sweet. I have to take prednisone everyday. Low dose 4mg but its still there. Being that they started me at 80mg day im doing pretty good. Its for treatment for a condition.
I am pretty much an expert on corticosteriods and the effects. some side effects are weight gain, increase appetite and the worst, retaining water or moon face.
I am about to run a Clen/ECA stack. I pretty much dont eat any salt or very little. I am drinking about 3-4 liters of h2o. Workout at least 4 times a week with cardio 3 times.
Supp Vitamin C/Multi/Liver supp
Has anyone had to deal with anything similar and I armidex or Liquidex is good for bloating but can it be taking if not on AS
Thaks for any help---soryy it was so long
Take Care