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Thread: Test 200

  1. #1
    dmb6996 is offline New Member
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    Test 200

    I am a newbie and have recently obtained some test 200. I have never done any cycles before and was wondering what would be a good cycle to do. I am only going to take 1 cycle no matter the results. I just need some general info on dosage at beginning, middle, and end. And also...if i have a choice...when coming off should I use Clomid or HCG ??? And at what dosage and when should I start either of them. I have heard good things on both but with the test 200 which would be better.
    Stats: Age 21
    Weight: 200
    B/f: estimated around 18%
    Bench Max:225

    Another question...will the test reduce my bodyfat if I do Cardio with it also. I have been lifting again for about 2 months now and have been doing cardio regularly and have shedded fat but am looking to shed a lot my question is will the test also help me shedded more and get my B/f to around 10% or lower or will it keep it the same???

  2. #2
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    #1cycle are like lays potato chips you can't have just one.

    #2and you need more research.

    #3 drop the bf more before you cycle

  3. #3
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    Look bro, not meaning to put you down but your not ready for AS!!! You got to do a hellava lot more research on AS before you start..NOBODY does just ONE cycle!!! You started lifting again 2 months ago? Listen, do it naturally for another year ,and read the questions and more importantly the ANSWERS on this board. As the old saying goes" What you don't know, CAN hurt you"

  4. #4
    gettinthere is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Actually guys, my brother only did one cycle. I think it was sust only cycle, I don't even know the dose, and he didn't have a clue what clomid is! He only did one cycle mainly because his results were so shitty. He was pretty strong while on, but as soon as he got off he gained fat and lost all his gains. Just goes to show what not researching will do for you. BTW, the reason I didn't tell him any of the stuff I know now, especially about good ole clomid, is that I didn't know at the time either. And now when I tell him about the cycle I am planning on doing with the clomid and arimidex he says it's all overkill and that theres no way I will be able to keep my gains. I'm still trying to get him to come to this forum just to look around!

  5. #5
    dmb6996 is offline New Member
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    When you say research...what are you exactly meaning. I have read this website from top to bottom and have talked to many people. I know people that have done 1 cycle and it helped them tremdously and they didnt lose a thing. Give me some help here if you can.

  6. #6
    GLASSVOICE is offline Junior Member
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    You are old enough to go to jail, then, you are old enough to do roids.

    I hear that EQ is good to shred fat from your body while making you strong and vascular. Ask (PM) BigKev.

    About the cardio, well, that subject seems not to be too strong on this board. Most people do not do it cause they are afraid to loose their gains (me).It's probably good for you. You are still young and in the process of being better. But
    don't over do it. MOderation is the clue to success.


  7. #7
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by GLASSVOICE

    About the cardio, well, that subject seems not to be too strong on this board. Most people do not do it cause they are afraid to loose their gains (me).It's probably good for you.

    1.Not too strong on this board? I bet almost 75% of this board does some form of cardiovascular exercise at least twice a week. Obviously if someone is bulking, it's 'ok' to miss a cardio session here and there, because you are not concerned with burning extra calories.
    2. As far as people not doing it because they are afraid of losing their gains. It's not really like that, it's because people are lazy. Cardio, if done right, burns mostly fat, with minimal muscle loss. If "gains" to you is fat, then by all means, but gains to me, is lean muscle mass. Fat is just something that sort of 'comes along' with it.
    3. Probably good for you? Cardiovascular is almost more important than resistance training. One reason: your heart. Your heart can not be worked to peak efficiency through throwing 3 wheels a side and pushing a bar off your chest. Now, don't get me wrong, your heart does indeed get worked during resistance training, just not nearly to the degree it does during cardiovascular. Whether cutting, maintaining, or bulkinf, cardio should be done on a regular basis to keep the heart strong and functioning properly.

    Realize what I am saying is not "Right". It is just my opinion, and I felt it needed to be said. Do not take this the wrong way GV, because you are still my bro.

  8. #8
    dmb6996 is offline New Member
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    Well still not the best help but it did help...Thanks....But....Is one cycle of Test 200 going to help me cut the fat and build bulk. Now I am not looking to gain 30lbs. I would like to stay around 200 but have a lot less bodyfat. Is Test 200 a good thing to use followed by an antiestrogen??? I need some hlep here if anyone can help me!!!

  9. #9
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    Test is not going to lose the fat!!!!!!!!!! The only way to lose fat is to burn it off, and burn it off means cardio. You can take all the test you want, but if your not doing any sort of intense exercise(cardio) you'll build muscle......and FAT!!!

  10. #10
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    Oh ya, when i mean research i'am talking about what to cycle to build AND lose fat.

  11. #11
    dmb6996 is offline New Member
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    Still really didnt answer my let try to ask it again a different way....Ok I understand that I will not loose the fat if I don't do cardio...MY question is...If I keep up the current cardio I do....20-30 minutes a day with my heartrate around 65-80% and a cycle of Test 200 will I be able to gain mass and loose the fat??? That is my question...I understand that I have to do cardio and I have been doing the cardio 5 times a week...along with weight training.

  12. #12
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    sorry bro, didn't quite get orig ?. If your doing test and cardio, the one you give priority to will be predominate. If your doing heavy workouts and cardio, yes you will build AND lose fat. Thanks JJ.

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