Hey guys..The more I learn the more i keep switching gears...I hope no one cares that I seem like I am all over the place asking about bulking one day...then changing my mind and then ask about cutting.
Deca lubes the joints somewhat when using Winny...Does EQ have any of these Properties? I ask this since I already have some arthritis in my wrists and shoulders (so maybe I have no choice but to go with Deca.) Sad thing is the EQ provides the vascularity I have been dreaming of.
Can someone help me out with an 8-12 week cutting cycle using EQ or Deca, Winstrol, & maybe Sustanon (if you guys think its necessary), Clen and Clomid....I know these are the Products I want to use...I have been reading 4 quite sometime... i am just not sure how to put it together. (T3 may be an option,but i would rather avoid it if i can get to my goal in the same cycle without it.)
This was suggested to me by someone:
Week1-2 1000mgs sust
week 3-9 500mgs sust
week 1-8 400mgs deca
week 1-4 50mgs winny ED
week 5-7 100mgs winny ED
week 8-9 50mgs winny ED
Begin clomid middle of week 11 or beginning of week 12
How would I run the Clen during this cycle? I know 2weeks on and two weeks off, but when should i start it? Can I run it throughout? And IF I decide to run T3 how would i incorporate it.
I want to put on as much lean muscle as possible (I do know this will not be ALOT since it IS after all a cutting cycle, but any added muscle will be nice).
My stats are 28yrs old, 5'9" tall, 179lbs, about 12-13%bf. (I'd be stoked after I get rid of the water to be at 190 and lean...not sure how likely this will be).