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Thread: fina & test question

  1. #1

    fina & test question

    I'm about to start my cycle of 500/test /wk, with fina. My question is how much fina should i take to see good results, some say 75mg/ed and some say eod. this is my third cycle.
    My first two were nothing big just 500/test/wk with dball. This is my first time using fina. I'm 5'6, 165lbs.9%bf. Also i was wanting to know if fina is real bad on hair loss or not. I've heard it doesnt even convert into dht.

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    fina is best injected ED but EOD will do -you might try it with Test prop - a very popular combo. with that test dose 60mg ED would be fine or you could make it about 112.5 EOD and that would be fine for first time IMO - especially if you have Dbol as well.

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