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Thread: Dianabol, please help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    United Kingdom

    Question Dianabol, please help.

    Please help, my mate is going to get me some 'Dianabol', it will my first time. (My mate knows nothing) Can i just use them by them selfs and not stack them due to it being my first time? I know that a novice should use them no longer then 6 weeks and no more then 20 mg a day.

    I have been doing as much research on 'Dianabol' as I can. What happens if I have side effects and start growing tits or something, I've read if this happens you have to take something like 'Catapresan'. If I did need to take something for the side effects, how long do you need to take them for?

    Please can someone help.

    Thank you.

    I just am unsure what to do if anything goes wrong.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Taking D-bol on its own is not a good idea.You need some test/deca with it

    D-bol is normally taken to "kick start" a cycle until the oils begin to work 3-4 weeks after first inj.The d-bol is run for 4-5 weeks at 30mg upto 50mg every day.

    D-bol aromtizes and therefore can cause gyno.The symptoms of this are itchy puffy very sensitive nipples.Should this occurr you will need to have Nolvadex at hand and take 20mg a day until it subsides.

    You will also have to take Clomid at the end of your cycle as this will help increase natural testerone levels

    I know this is your first post but you really need to do more research on AAS and I would recommend that you do not use them yet.

    Also bro post your stats , age and goals with this info we can help you make better decisions

    And of course welcome to the board

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    United Kingdom


    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, I will do some more research before I think about starting a cycle.

    I am 19 and I put a lot of effort in the gym, the good thing is that I have a trainning partner the same age who is a dedicated as me. So trainning very hard is not a problem, its knowing the in and outs before starting on a cycle.

    Once again thanks.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well Rich you are at the right place to learn hang around here and read up and research.You have all the knowledge you could ever need right at your fingertips

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