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Thread: DNP and grapejuice

  1. #1
    Ambulance1984 Guest

    DNP and grapejuice

    Ok this is a legit topic...

    We all have read up on grapejuice with DBol and Winny and the effects it has on transport and getting the good (and bad) stuff into our system.

    How would this effect DNP? DNP can be fatal, so I think it's something that should be discused. Grapejuice is used overseas by doctors to lessen the dose needed of RX meds because it increases it's effectivness...couldn't this be fatal when using doses of DNP?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    the mechanism by which grapefruit affects drugs is purely related to elimination properties. Grapefruit inhibits hepatic microsomal enzymes (cyp 450 cytochrome system, 3a4 is most effected if i remember correctly). Basically this means that the elimination process are slowed down and concentrations go up. fyi erythromycin and MANY other drugs have a similar, but less drastic effects. and Smoking cigarretts and charbroiled food has the exact opposite effect...inducing these enzymes for faster clearance.

    I have not read any of the posts on here about how others explain the system, but i am sure the above information is correct.

    check out for more info...drugs like tagament have effects also. many many many common drugs.

    To answer your question, i would steer clear of it while on DNP. I'm pretty sure that there hasn't been a metabolic profile conducted DNP to determine its clearance properties. And DNP is a dangerous drug that you want to be pretty sure of your doses/concentrations at all times. why risk it? if im wrong and you find some other information i would be glad to review it and change my opinion.

    hopefully i helped

  3. #3
    Ambulance1984 Guest
    Was looking into researching the possibility of taking 200mg to make it comparable to 400mg, and 400mg comparable to on.

    Thanks for the info...

    And bump for more info! This is a good question even just for the knowledge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    i think if you were taking for that purpose it would be hard to titrate your doses. Unless you can tell by side effects??? the exact extent of effect of the enzyme ihnibition varies from person to person. I have heard numbers as high as 8 fold reduction in activity...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Central Valley, California
    Bro...i honestly dont think there is a way around taking the 400mg you want to take.... Take the 400mg a day and goodluck...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell
    738 im sensing there is more to this story.....

  7. #7
    Ambulance1984 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jurichar im sensing there is more to this story.....
    Nope, I've got my gear...and plenty of it.. I just like asking the questions no one else does. I like raising discussions as long as their inteligent. I fiqured this is a question that deserved it's own thread and could possibly break down a few walls.... but I have enough DNP on hand to feed an army at hometown buffet waiting to get in on all you can eat sunday's lol I consider myself pretty knowledgable on the stuff, just still waiting and doing everything i can naturally...or something like that.

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