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Thread: Banged up toward middle of 2004 baseball season

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Banged up toward middle of 2004 baseball season

    I finished a cycle of Finaplix a few weeks ago. I am still strong in the gym and have not really lost anything. I play college ball and I have lifted heavy all year. I have been told to go for reps during the season but I do not want to stop lifting heavy. I am starting to feel banged up. My back is bothering me and I feel it in everything that I do in the gym. Is it normal for your body to get beat up or tired after a cycle during a sports season?

  2. #2


    steroids are usually suspended in oil. this oil keeps your joints lubed in a sense. this is why you probably feel "banged up" after the cycle stopped. another piece of advice would be to listen to however toward to do the high reps during the season. i played baseball and took steriods also. i wish i would have tried and maintain during the season instead of filling my ego w/ heavy weights. its hard to go into the gym w/ the mind set to do high reps, but it is the best advice for a baseball player. good luck this season.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Central Valley, California
    Ok bro i have played semi pro ball and also lifted throughout the season. Now I lifted heavy, being a first baseman I wanted power. The key is stretching!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can lift and become bigger but you have to stay limber or your screwed. Stretches everyday!!!! Personally I say lift heavy... and just make sure you stretch and keep limber... It worked for me..... goodluck

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