I've been reading some threads about Sustanon and other Tests. I am going to run some Test E for my first cycle but I wanted to know why everyone thinks Sustanon is painful and bad for a first cycle? Whats prop pain? Whats the difference?
I've been reading some threads about Sustanon and other Tests. I am going to run some Test E for my first cycle but I wanted to know why everyone thinks Sustanon is painful and bad for a first cycle? Whats prop pain? Whats the difference?
Last edited by CCI; 03-31-2004 at 08:45 AM.
Sust is your friend, but it has to have things it's own way, or it causes problems.Originally Posted by CCI
Sust is 4 esters of Test, including Prop, which is an ED inject, which is why you hear so many of us say "don't run Sust", not because it's no good.
I like to run it with an Extra Prop shot on the Non-Sust shot days..most guys get a chuckle out of that, but it works great, in fact I'm about to run Sust EOD with a 50mg Prop shot EOD.(in between)
Prop Pain is just that, Prop has a Reputation for having a painful shot....heavy dose, little oil, fast ester.
The 50mg is USUALLY not as bad as the 100mg IMO.
QV for years held the pain record, but lately I have found QV to be smooth and virtually painless...it's the SL that packed a whallup.
Most of the people that speak out against sust are doing it because they dont think that sust is developed very well, that the ester ratio is all screwed up. From an injection standpoint, 3x per week isnt bad, and pain will come with alot of AAS.
Hey bro, Im glad you chose Test Enanthate for your first cycle as you wont have to jab yourself ED or EOD. However, Sustanon 250 is the total opposite as it is a substance that you must take ED or EOD for the full effect. So for someone like you with no cycle experience, I wouldnt advise to start jabbing ED or EOD and thats why your better of with Test Enanthate as your injections dont have to be ED or EOD but something like twice a week. This is much easier especially for someone that has not done this before. And as for Sustanon 250, well bro Sustanon 250 isnt bad for your first cycle at all, we just dont dont advise people to take it the first time as it can be a pain in the ass because you have to take it ED or EOD for the full effect. Sustanon 250 hurts a little as it does contain Test Propionate in it. Test Propionate is just another type of Teststosterone that is rather fairly popular these days, but then again everyone has their favourities. To me Test is Test, some react diiferently to others, some make you main retain more fluid than others and etc. So like I said, Test Propionate is just another type of Testosterone. Anyway bro, good luck and let us know how you go ok.
i was going to take test e but couldnt get my hands on it so i went with niole sust. so far so good. i actually look foward to the needles as the pain hasnt been bad at all so far. just a little sore day of, and the next day i just know its there and thats all
i did just a sus and deca cycle before and i got good results, i personally like sus.
I did my first shot of Sustanon yesterday and it ABSOLUTELY didn't hurt one bit...I didn't even feel the ****ing thing, and I got it way inside the muscle. However, I got a question. Am I supposed to inject EOD?? If I'm not mistaken, Sustanon was made with 4 esters so the Propionate could be extended to one week instead of having to inject ED. Please enlight me. The profiles say you can inject once a week.
For the ones that have taken Sustanon 250 for their 1st cycle dont feel bad coz IMO Sustanon 250 is the best Gear on the AAS side of things. I believe it brings better quality results than any other test. For example Test Enanthate, you get a lot of water retentation, but with Sustanon 250 you dont gain as much fluid. I have done a cycle before and if I had a choice to use something, I would use Sustanon 250 over anytihng else.
I like sustanon...basically test is test and the esters are the only thing that make them differ...once the ester is dissolved you have your test in your body..no difference if it is prop, enan, cyp, or whatever...
do a google search for blood levels with sust. by taking sust every day ur bl get even and stay that way for the rest of the cycle. by doing three times a week like most people do they nevr really even out but form a pattern of some sort. check it out and see if u can find it.Originally Posted by Smallnaturalbuilder
i do it three times a week but check out the site so u can see why they say to take it every day
i take my sust n eq on mon n thurs.....everythingis good so far....eating like a horse(no pun intended)
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