a few months ago i did a short 8 weeker of omna and dbol. got the dreaded lump under one nip.
i just had it removed a week ago, and like a dumbass, i'm already contemplating juicing again in the summer.
is this a bad idea? my doctor said he removed the entire gland, and i've heard if that is done it can't come back. BUT, he only did surgery on the side w/ the lump, therefore i believe its possible i still could get it on the other side.
should i not juice again bros? i already feel like i got a 2nd chance by lucking out and having insurance cover the surgery and everything, but of course, who doesnt wanna juice again, ya know?
i figure if i do juice again, i'll stay away from the heavy androgens like dbol. i was thinking of doing like a sust/deca, and taking both anti-e's and anti aromas from day 1 to be safe.
anyways, ANY and ALL input is greatly appreciated. thanks bros.........