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Thread: Just had gyno surgery, should i never juice again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    36 Chambers, Shaolin

    Just had gyno surgery, should i never juice again?

    a few months ago i did a short 8 weeker of omna and dbol. got the dreaded lump under one nip.

    i just had it removed a week ago, and like a dumbass, i'm already contemplating juicing again in the summer.

    is this a bad idea? my doctor said he removed the entire gland, and i've heard if that is done it can't come back. BUT, he only did surgery on the side w/ the lump, therefore i believe its possible i still could get it on the other side.

    should i not juice again bros? i already feel like i got a 2nd chance by lucking out and having insurance cover the surgery and everything, but of course, who doesnt wanna juice again, ya know?

    i figure if i do juice again, i'll stay away from the heavy androgens like dbol. i was thinking of doing like a sust/deca, and taking both anti-e's and anti aromas from day 1 to be safe.

    anyways, ANY and ALL input is greatly appreciated. thanks bros.........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Just don't make the same mistake again bro, that's all.
    I would imagine you to be an expert at "what not to do" at this point, and if you're not, study up, and don't repeat the mistake, and you'll be fine.
    Stock your Closet with Armidex, Nolva, B6, etc etc etc...and HIT IT!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    36 Chambers, Shaolin
    thanks 7th...

    thing is bro, i took adex from day 1, and nolva when the nips got itchy. the lump started forming right in like the 3rd week of the "waiting period" right before i was to start PCT. so i started taking like 60 and even 80mg of nolva right away, and stayed on 60mg nolva throughout PCT while taking clomid.

    my guess is that the adex was fake, so all that time the estro was just building up, but i don't know, cuz 2 of my boys (and one was the dealer himself) used the same exact adex during their cycles and they had no problems.

    so i mean i dont know what else i could possibly do besides load up on anti-e's. EXCEPT i have to go in for a follow up w/ the surgeon to make sure everything is alright and maybe i'll just ask him "Hey doc, i plan on juicing hardcore for the rest of my life, so um, if i get gyno on the other side, you mind hooking me up again"? hahaha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hey TicAl, I have a small lump behind my left nipple too. Only on one side like yours. I am contemplating having surgery as well. I am aware that gyno surgery runs 2000-2500 US$. Did you actually pay half or less than that since you only had surgery in one nipple? Thanks Man!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    36 Chambers, Shaolin
    Tex- i lucked out bro.

    here's the long story short...
    i see a doctor for the 1st time (had to stop going to the pediatrician), who knew little about gyno. he sent me to get a mamogram, and to see a surgeon. the mamogram doc. said for sure it was gyno, but i went to teh surgeon anyway. At the surgeon's, i told him i took legal over-the-counter ph's. AND GET THIS, without me even asking him or even suggesting that i have it removed, he's like "I'm gonna have that removed and call it a tissue biopsy so insurance covers it". I almost **** myself. Talk about lucking out! and literally ONE WEEK later, i had the surgery (which was actually this past friday), and VOILA.

    so my suggestion bro is to go to a surgeon and tell them you took ph's, cuz many doc's don't sympathize with you if you tell them you juiced (merely due to the legality of ph's and illegal label on steroids). tell them a freind of yours had the same thing, and a surgeon did a tissue biopsy so insurance would cover it. Good luck bro.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    36 Chambers, Shaolin
    Surely someone must've had surgery and juiced again....anyone?

    if not, i suppose the only thing i can do is load up on anti-e's.......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    try switching gear....your body will most likely react different 2 different steroids...good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Only use AS which do not aromatize. Stick to winny, var, primo, masteron etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Not a bad idea to get your doc/surgeon to prescribe some Nolva and Ldex for you right now since you had the surgery... Just a suggestion. It's cheaper with the insurance co-pay...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    your'e good to go now

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    36 Chambers, Shaolin
    thanks bros.

    i'm gonna stay away from dbol, cuz i believe thats the heavy of androgens.

    i'm thinkin' of deca/sust or deca and enan/cyp. how would i run those together? like 10 week deca (400mg/wk)/12 week test (500/week)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would say you are fine now so why stop?

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