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  1. #1
    Kaleb is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2004

    1st cycle-need a little help

    I plan on starting my first AS cycle May 10th. This is what I'm planning.

    Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10- 500mg per week

    Week 1-10- 400mg per week

    How does this sound? Also, I know I'm supposed to take Nolvadex throught and Clomid after. How much of these two should I take and when do I start taking the Clomid? Also what are the prices to the Nolv and the Clomid, where can I find them, and what do they help do? Thanks for the help!


  2. #2
    micro024 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2004
    Dude I know your new but these guys will desrtoy you if U ask questions like that. I read posts everday for hours at a time, all the questions you just asked, the answers are here, U just have to look, Good luck man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleb
    I plan on starting my first AS cycle May 10th. This is what I'm planning.

    Sustanon 250
    Week 1-10- 500mg per week

    Week 1-10- 400mg per week

    How does this sound? Also, I know I'm supposed to take Nolvadex throught and Clomid after. How much of these two should I take and when do I start taking the Clomid? Also what are the prices to the Nolv and the Clomid, where can I find them, and what do they help do? Thanks for the help!

    NO SUST! Sust has to be shot to often....I'm not going into it all, you'll have to trust me.

    Weeks 1-12: Test Enanthate @ 250mg ETD
    Weeks 1-10: Deca @ 200mg ETD
    Nolva thoughout cycle @ 10mg ED
    L-Dex Throuhout cycle @ .5 ED
    Nolva @ 20mg ED
    L-Dex @ .5 ED
    Day one: 300mg
    Days 2-28: 100mg
    Also, though many will disagree, I believe HCG should be ran on ANY cycle that contains Deca or Tren .
    500iu Ed @ Weeks 11 & 12.

  4. #4
    Kaleb is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2004
    If not Sust, then what kind of Test do you recommend taking? And why do you take 2 anti-estrogens? Could I skip the Nolvadex and just take Clomid after my cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleb
    If not Sust, then what kind of Test do you recommend taking? And why do you take 2 anti-estrogens? Could I skip the Nolvadex and just take Clomid after my cycle?
    Notice, I recomended Enanthate for your first Test.
    Although Clomid and Nolva are both SERMs, I AM NOT a Nolva only guy, in fact I despise it ran alone for PCT, but it is necessary along side the Clomid.
    They are still different, and aid in recovery in different ways.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleb
    If not Sust, then what kind of Test do you recommend taking? And why do you take 2 anti-estrogens? Could I skip the Nolvadex and just take Clomid after my cycle?
    Nolva and Ldex complement each other during cycle, and nolva, clomid, Ldex, + potentially HCG makes for the most efficient way known to restore HPTA function (natural test production), which means you have a much better chance of keeping the majority of your gains.

    Just as TSW said, test E is a good choice for a first cycle (and most all cycles IMO).

  7. #7
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    Out of Control
    Arimidex if you can afford it

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