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Thread: A GOOD 6 WEEK CYCLE w/ My Stats and Goals!Need Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    A GOOD 6 WEEK CYCLE w/ My Stats and Goals!Need Help!

    Ok, Ok... Here I go , Ive just been debating what to do or not and its comin down to it... So this help is real crucial to me and for everyone here.....THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD THAT HELPS OUT, YOU PEOPLE ARE GREAT!!

    Ok, Here are some of my last questions:
    Im about 5'6- 5'7,
    175-180 (it fluxuates) 9-10% BF

    Im looking to get on a good 6 week cycle. But, I dont want to blast it in at high doses and get all bloated ( I know using arimidex and nolvadex helps that,but I just want to make sure)
    I also dont want to lose alot of my gains when I get off (I know to use Clomid 3 weeks after last injection). I was thinking of pyramiding the Deca. I want a good vascularity, not bloat look.

    I want to gain some good weight ( not like 30 lbs) so this is what I can get my hands on and how many bottle do I need of each for this 6 week cycle??** What I mean by how to take is how to take it weekly or daily/how much not as in, drink or shoot up**

    Deca---10cc bottle (how many?) (how to take?)

    D-bol--90 (10mg tabs) (how many?) (how to take?)

    Milk thistle---???
    I have choices on these.
    Nolvadex---10mg or 20 mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Clomid------50mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Arimidex---1 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (28 Tablets Total)
    OR 2 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (56 Tablets Total)
    OR 3 packs 1 Mg 28 Tablets (84 Tablets Total

    (((How do I take this Arimidex? I know your supposed to do somethin like .25mg a week or somethin,but exactly how?))))

    ***If Nolvadex is all I can afford, how should I take to get loss of water retention? What if I can get both?****

    Ive done my research, its just right now my brain is soo clusterfucked I just need a little more help, I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. I may sound dumb to some of yall,but I just want to make 300% sure. I just need some assurance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    That won't work very well for a 6 week cycle my friend!

    You need to use faster acting AS, like prop,fina,winnie etc...

    If that's all you can get your hands on then run the Deca for atleast 8 weeks, 10 would be better.

    Week 1-4 30-40mgs d-bol/day
    Week 1-8 400mgs deca/week
    Start clomid 3 weeks after your last deca shot, at 300mgs 1st day,then 100mgs for 10 days,then 50mgs for 10 days.

    I doubt you'll need nolva or arimidex for those doses, just keep some nolva on hand incase your prone to gyno(the nips get sore)

  3. #3
    i agree with mallet.....

    deca for 6 weeks is not going to do much for you except shut down your 6 weeks it has just started to kick in good...

    if this is your first cycle, get enough deca for at least 10 weeks and get a long ester test like cypionate or sust.....inject the deca and test ester 2x per week for the length of the cycle.....

    prop and fina are good short esters that kick in fast, but thats alot of sticking every week for your first cycle, and you may not be mentally ready or have the injection skills yet to stick this frequently.......viper

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Thanx Mallet and Viper, Ok Ive decided I need to do a 8 week cycle. I have a couple quick qestions.
    1. Im starting a routine that on week 7 you stop training completely and rest, then start back up on week 8, is this a good idea while on AAS??

    2.If I were to drink on week 7 would that cause gyno or anything? I know its bad for ya,,but its gonna be spring break and I want to have fun,man. I hardly ever drink. What do yall do when yall want to get feelin good?

    3. I really dont want the bloat look since I'll be on a beach,but w/ this bulk cycle how can I keep a clean built look?

    4.I still need to know how many of each to get.Deca---10cc bottle (how many?) (how to take?)

    D-bol--90 (10mg tabs) (how many?) (how to take?)

    Milk thistle---???
    I have choices on these.
    Nolvadex---10mg or 20 mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Clomid------50mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Arimidex---1 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (28 Tablets Total)
    OR 2 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (56 Tablets Total)
    OR 3 packs 1 Mg 28 Tablets (84 Tablets Total

    (((How do I take this Arimidex? I know your supposed to do somethin like .25mg a week or somethin,but exactly how?))))

    ***If Nolvadex is all I can afford, how should I take to get loss of water retention? What if I can get both?****

    5. How do you think this cycle looks for me? Should I change some of the doses since its my first time? Im looking to do the first one.

    I appreciate it man.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    WOW !! thats alot of questions. Lets see.... IMO #1 taking a week off isn't the best idea to do. But I can see your problem. I would either wait untill I got back from vacation to start (though you prob. want to look better for your vacation) So find a gym down there and hit it a few times out of the week. Or get inventive, have someone sit on your shoulders and do push ups, do your calf raises up and down the steps. ect.... Just do something. (but if I remember right, when I went for spring break, I didn't do a damn thing )
    #2 drinking wont cause gyno, but it's not wise to do. just for the fact that your liver is getting the shit kicked out of it anyway. (but if I remember right, I drank alot too. and lived)
    #3 I wouldn't worry about the bloated look, When you get down to the beach, your going to see so many fat and over weight guys, you'll be looking like gold.
    #4 How many mg is your deca that you can get ? that tells you how many you need.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey Bro here is my opinion. For starters you need more research on what you want. Second you really need to add some Test if you are wanting to bulk. Third you sound like you want to be bigger but still ripped for spring break? If this is what you want then you need to focus on one or the other. Either bulk and then cut or cut then bulk. You will not do both in 6 weeks. It usually takes 5 to 6 weeks for anything to happen. You also said you were taking a week off. JMO what you should do is wait till after spring break then decide. In the mean time stick around and read. The Bro's here are the best on the web and can give you sound advice. Im not flaming you bro Just My Opinion!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    I \m doing an 8 week

    Thanx bortort Im doing an 8 week now, Ive decided that already I just need to know how much to get of each and how to take it right. The Deca Im getting is in a 10cc bottle. Ive done alot of research ,I just need to make sure. I need to know how much to get of each and how much to take. Im probobly gonna do cycle 1 on the anabolic review page.

    How Much do I buy of each??
    Milk thistle---???
    I have choices on these.
    Nolvadex---10mg or 20 mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Clomid------50mg tablets (how many? Of which one?) (how to take?)

    Arimidex---1 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (28 Tablets Total)
    OR 2 pack 1 Mg 28 Tablets (56 Tablets Total)
    OR 3 packs 1 Mg 28 Tablets (84 Tablets Total

    (((How do I take this Arimidex? I know your supposed to do somethin like .25mg a week or somethin,but exactly how?))))

  8. #8
    if i was you i would add some kind of test to my cycle, you can always use winny or ultragan(eq0 at the end of your cycle to cut up

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