Mike, Here is the message that you said to post. First i would like to say nice board and glad you now have the recognition you deserve for treating us all so well. Anyway, here is what i can have available to me:
Winny 10mg\tab -100tabs
Brovel or tornel deca 200mg\ml - 10ml
clen-20mcg\tab - 100tabs
T-3 - 100tabs
clomid - 30tabs
I am currently 300# with both fat and muscle. want to try and drop in some fat. I am currently taking an eca stack and lifting 1 to 2 body parts a day\5 days a week. I will soon begin a running schedule although it is hard as i hate any cardio. I am your basic 6'3" guy that is overweight and and very strong. also i am doing a keto diet right now. thanks for working up a cycle and look forward to your reply.