My understanding so far:
1) Testosterone is Testosterone.
2) Cypionate, Propanate, Ethanate are just test bound to slightly more or less complex molecules which make them stay in the bloodstream longer or shorter per. of time (half life)
3) If you always dose every half of the half life then once you get up to steady state blood levels it does not matter which test version you were using. All that matters is that you have X amount of T in your blood at a fairly constant level during your cycle. The only differnces the test really have is that you have to do some differing injection sched to guartantee steady blood levels.
I bought a cycle of Cypionate cause it was cheaper than the other forms (at my source) and the long half life means this needle hating rookie does NOT (<<- word was missing) have to inject EOD.
Please straighten out my confusion - and corect me as needed on my #3 theorum. I seem to be getting slapped around a bit for going with Cyp and no one is really telling me why Cyp is less desirable.