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Thread: Mixing Test.Suspention & Winstrol Depot in one syringe...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Mixing Test.Suspention & Winstrol Depot in one syringe...

    Since they are both water based, can I mix Test Suspention and Winstrol in one syringe?


  2. #2
    no problem...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sure can!!! I love suspension! You may want to split your susp. every 12 hours to keep steady plasma levels....


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Thank you bros!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Lifton
    sure can!!! I love suspension! You may want to split your susp. every 12 hours to keep steady plasma levels....

    I heard a lot about T.Suspention, but never had a chance to try it myself.

    At first, I was planning on injecting 100 mgs Every Day, but then I was told it needs to be injected every 8 hours. Every 8 hrs is way too frequent for me, but twice a day is doable, I guess. Will see. So here is what I want to do now:

    100mg Test.Susp

    50mg Test.Susp**
    50mg Winstrol Depot

    **=is it OK that im dropping to 50mg’s or do I need to be consistent and inject 100 mg’s in the Evening as well? or lower my morning dosage to 50mg’s??? I just figured 200mg’s of Test/day would be a bit much for someone like myself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Here are my stats:

    [Age:] 25
    [Training History:] On/Off for over 8 years, however, last 2 years were serious.
    [Weight:] Usually around 200 lbs, but currently 187 (lost about 12 pounds during spring brake in South Beach. You know how it is down there – f***ing South Beach Diet lol)
    [Height:] 6’1
    [Body fat:] prolly around 10% right now, but that’s just a guess.
    [Cycle History:] 2
    1st Deca and Winny (that’s when I was afraid of Test – f***ing pussy)
    2nd Equipose, Test Cypionate, and Winny (now, that’s better. See, im a quick lerner ha ha)

    Anyway, now I want to do a quick cycle before I go away in late may. I’m going back to my country (Russia) for the summer and don’t have time for a full 10-12 week cycle.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by D1N1SKA
    [Age:] 25
    [Training History:] On/Off for over 8 years, however, last 2 years were serious.
    [Weight:] Usually around 200 lbs, but currently 187 (lost about 12 pounds during spring brake in South Beach. You know how it is down there – f***ing South Beach Diet lol)
    [Height:] 6’1
    [Body fat:] prolly around 10% right now, but that’s just a guess.
    [Cycle History:] 2
    1st Deca and Winny (that’s when I was afraid of Test – f***ing pussy)
    2nd Equipose, Test Cypionate, and Winny (now, that’s better. See, im a quick lerner ha ha)

    Anyway, now I want to do a quick cycle before I go away in late may. I’m going back to my country (Russia) for the summer and don’t have time for a full 10-12 week cycle.

    I would go 75mg Susp & 25mg Winny every 12 hours. That should do the trick D. Make sure you have some noveldex on hand too.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I’ll be taking Proviron all throughout and I’ll keep nolvadex on hand. Clomid therapy afterwards 300/100/50 split.

    Yeah, it would be better if I could slit it into 75mg T.Susp & 25mg Winny 2wice a day, but both come in 50 mg vial and once open they evaporate quickly. 25 mg of T.Suspention/Winny in an open vial will evaporate by the evening when its time for a 2nd injection.

    How do you prevent that from happening?

    Maybe if I draw it in the morning into another syringe and keep it there till the eve. Not sure what to do, PLEASE HELP!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bump. any1 knows how to prevent this from happening?
    Please advice

    Quote Originally Posted by D1N1SKA
    Yeah, it would be better if I could split it into 75mg T.Susp & 25mg Winny 2wice a day, but both come in 50 mg vial and once open they evaporate quickly. 25 mg of T.Suspention/Winny in an open vial will evaporate by the evening when its time for a 2nd injection.

    Maybe if I draw it in the morning into another syringe and keep it there till the eve. Not sure what to do, PLEASE HELP!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    pre load 2 darts w/ the susp75/win25 mix in each... take in the AM and the other PM. You should be fine and it will solve your problem w/ evaporating. Good Luck D!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    ...:::thanks Bro:::...

    Thank you, B.Lifton

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