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Thread: Femera for bp probs???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Taco Bell

    Femera for bp probs???

    ok, i tried more nolva and i tried more water and my head still hurts like a mother. So im gonna get some more drugs, lol. i can get femera from Lion Nut a lot cheaper than i can get l-dex from Pnp. How does this sound. Get the femara, run it at 2.5mg qd until the sides go away then back down to 1.25 mg qd....also stop taking the nolva as of now and save it for my pct???

    the main goal here is to reduce my blood pressure... i want to do it BEST not CHEAPER.

    how should i go about it??

  2. #2
    Femara is a much stronger AI than Ldex and can have a much more adverse effect on HDL levels (which can be somewhat remedied by taking nolva along with an AI). However, nolva with letro has been shown to reduce letro plasma levels by 37% or so....Pheedno also recently pointed out that anastrazole with nolva reduces plasma anastrazole levels by 1/4 or so too. Take all that into consideration. There are other sites that sell should find the price roughly comparable to femara.
    I just wouldn't use letro unless I were using 1g/wk test or so, which I don't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I'm not trying to hijack...but I'm just about out of Nolva and was going to switch to this bad???I'm on 750mg of Test E...

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