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Thread: Need Some advice>>>>

  1. #1

    Need Some advice>>>>

    ok...let me start off by saying that im 20 years old. I played high school football all four years and started every game. (Cornerback). Mainly because of my speed. (I can run the 40 meter dash in 4.3 seconds.) Ever since I started working out I have seen little gaines. Only because my metabolism is very fast. No matter how much I eat and work out. I CAN'T GET BIGGER. I'm 5'11 and only weight 155. Supplements don't work!!!! So comes to the ? of steroids. I have talked to friends that have cycled and read a lot. I have a good chance of making it somewhere at big schools becuase of my speed but I don't becuase of my weight. So the ? I have is what to do for my first cycle. I don't plan on doing more than two cycles no matter the outcomes. I REFUSE TO FUCK UP MY BODY!. I have heard just to start off with Deca, and test. and it's not good to start off with d-boll. If I cycly with those two for my first time is it safe? What kind of gaines can I expect off of one cycle? Any help would be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    san antonio
    yeah start with test and deca and search the forum for clomid which you will use post cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida
    20 seems a bit young to me . Id work on the food and natural for a while......


  4. #4
    Would you consider D-boll for a first cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd say if you only want to do a couple cycles max

    dbol 20-25mgs for first three or four weeks
    sust -500mgs/week
    deca -400mgs/week

    and clomid two to three weeks after last shot
    maybe even hcg if you want instead of clomid.

    correct me if theres anything wrong with what I put.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    im doing d-bol and 250mg sust right now, and clomid post cycle of course

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    From what I have read here, hcg isn't the best post cycle drug to use. Clomid is the gold standard post cycle. The hcg gets your nuts back but wont help you keep your gains. I am not sure about that info so someone correct me if I am wrong. As for expected gains from a deca/test cycle, it all depends on amount,diet, duration. As for fucking up your body... Your age is just too young. I would say around 23-25 but thats JMO. Hell, throw in some slin with your cycle and you can pack on more weight but the risks with slin are... DEATH. My best advice is to stick around a while and READ READ READ. Then make a much more informed decision. If your looking to hit the college level in football, whats the NCAA stance on AAS and do they test? Another question for you to look into.

  8. #8
    Wow bro 4.3 thats awesome, definetly D1 speed. Since you are a newbie youll react great to almost anyting especially "test" and "d-ball" stay away from "deca" it will stays in your system too long no need to risk it. EQ is really good too and no sides with that A/S. I would try this for your first.

    D-ball 30mg/day - 4 weeks
    Test 500mg/week-8weeks
    Take creatine,glutamine throughout the cycle and still work on your speed so you dont loose it when you bulk.

    Clomid 2 weeks after the last shot of test. You can pick out your own choice of test (enanthate,Cypionate,Sustanon). Enanthate would be the cheapest of the three so its really up to you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    if u want to play college ball, then absolutely no deca.. it's detectable for up to 18-20 a cycle like this..

    weeks 1-10
    test e. 400mgs per week
    equipoise 400mgs per week

    clomid 3 weeks after last injection.. day 1 300mgs, next 10 100mgs, next 10 50mgs...

    the EQ will help keep u lean .. to much extra weight will decrease speed...
    this should do u great though.

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    you've stated the reason why you dont grow, so fix the problem rather than looking to steroids. Put simply no matter how much you are eating, it aint enough

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