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Thread: question for my bro

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada

    question for my bro

    Whats up everyone, I have a question for my brother.

    Stats: 20 years old, working out for 3 years. 5' 10" 186 lbs 11% body fat. He has done a cyle last summer of 35mg of d-bols a day for 5 weeks, and one shot of omnadren 250 a week.

    He has recently picked up 300 thai dbols, a bottle of PVL sus 400 and a bottle of test e (quest pharm) 200. Both are 10ml bottles. Whats your opinions on how he should stack it (12 weeks) and do you all think he should pick up another bottle. If so which one??

    Also, just curious to know if b12 injections are oil or water based??

    Last edited by gixxer600; 04-06-2004 at 05:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada

  3. #3
    i'd suggest something simple, you need more of either compound.
    for a mass cycle:

    wks 1-4 dbol 25-30mgs Ed
    wks 1-10 sust 500mgs/wk

    again i'm not sure what his goals are for this cycle. run an anti-e and proper PCT. remember gyno is not your friend nor your brothers

  4. #4
    also dont be afraid to research, lots of valuable info on this board

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    he wants to put on bulk size. I could do all the research in the world here but the thing is this is what he has or is able to get. I'm currently on my third cycle and was able to get al sorts of different things. For now all we can get is either of the two. You suggested sust at 500mg a week but what about the test e?? As far as pct goes I've got enough clomid and nolva to last us another cycle after this one.
    I guess he should do his shots every 3 days at the most. I think I need some more opinions from fellow brothers out there.

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