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Thread: cycle critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    cycle critique

    this is my first cycle please let me know what you think.
    i threw in some test since ppl say deca only is no good.

    week1/200mg deca
    week2/200mg deca
    week3/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week4/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week5/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week6/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week7/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week8/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week9/50mg test propinate every other day
    along side i take .25mg of arimidex eod
    week 6-9 taking 50mg novladex every day

    pct week 10= 300mg of clomid day 1, 200mg clomid week 1, 100mg clomid week 2

  2. #2
    alevok Guest
    If I were U I would run like this
    w1 200mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w2 200mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w3 400mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w4 400mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w5 400mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w6 400mg deca 50mg propionate e/d
    w7 200mg deca
    w8 200mg deca
    w9- 200mg deca nolva 40mg, 20mg proviron
    w10 nolva 40mg, 20mg proviron
    w11 300mg of clomid day 1, 200mg clomid week 1, 100mg clomid week 2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    imo i would run the test all the way through with the deca. kinda strange combo,prop and deca...,,u probably can run 10-20mg of nolva ed through your cycle and then 20mg for the pct...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Personally I would run the Prop at 75mg ED, you will see better results, and I would also run the Prop 2 weeks longer than the Deca, start you PCT 3 days after your last shot. You shouldnt need 50mg Nolva ED either I would stick to 10mg ED plus .25mg Ldex ED as well. Just my .02.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    keep your deca at one dosage as well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    How about some stats?

    I am not particularly fond of any of the cycles suggested above.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    every one is telling me something different i dont understand,, im currently 18 years old, height=164,, weight=180 kinda lean, THIS IS MY 1ST CYCLE
    week1/200mg deca
    week2/200mg deca
    week3/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week4/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week5/400mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week6/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week7/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week8/200mg deca & 50mg test propinate eod
    week9/50mg test propinate every other day
    along side i take .25mg of arimidex eod

    week 6-9 taking 50mg novladex every day

    pct week 10= 300mg of clomid day 1, 200mg clomid week 1, 100mg clomid week 2

    im in the 3rd week of my deca i was planning on doing a deca only cycle but people say i need to add some test, so i got my self some fast acting test prop which i plan on taking eod i hear that i should take the prop 1 week longer than the deca and start pct one week after the prop,, i just want some of you experienced people to see if im doing anything wrong especially with my pct and addition of my prop,,, this cycle looks wierd because i was planing on doing a deca only but i just threw in some prop,,
    I also chose prop cause its got milder side effects less water problem etc even thow shots are troubleing,,, FEEDBACK PLZ

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    You obviously have no idea of the harm you can do to your body doing steroids at age 18.I know for a fact you barely researched just by looking at that disaster of a cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    You obviously have no idea of the harm you can do to your body doing steroids at age 18.I know for a fact you barely researched just by looking at that disaster of a cycle.
    Da Bull is always right, just wait brother. Take 3 years to research.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Real bad cycle No flame intended

    1. take the same mgs all the way thru w/ the deca
    2. should have started test w/ deca same time
    3. no need for all the nolve 10mg ed and 20mgs pct
    4. .25 l-dex ed or .5 l-dex eod IMO
    5. way to you for this / do more research

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    No flame intended but Im with the majority here. Even your PCT is not correct. Go back and research a cycle more. Also, if you are 18 then I do no recommend any steroids until you reach 20-21 and you are done growing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    well i guess i was influenced by a bunch of my buddies who have been takin steroid ever since they where 16,,
    so ive started off bad and all you people say that this cycle is bad
    how can i fix this cycle im in my 3rd week their is no going back what is a proper pct for this what can i do ?????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by persia
    well i guess i was influenced by a bunch of my buddies who have been takin steroid ever since they where 16,,
    so ive started off bad and all you people say that this cycle is bad
    how can i fix this cycle im in my 3rd week their is no going back what is a proper pct for this what can i do ?????
    I'll tell you have to fix this cycle....Stop Right Now!!THen wait three weeks after your last test/deca shot and start on Clomid.Day 1 300mgs,day 2-11 100 mgs ed,day 12-21 50 mgs ed.Nolv @ 20 mgs ed and l-dex @ .25 mgs ed.

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