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Thread: EQ or deca?? what is your opinion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Question EQ or deca?? what is your opinion?

    is deca overall better than EQ. i took deca a while back and did not like the decrease in labido. so i was considering taking Eq with test. i want to run the EQ about 10-12 weeks. which one would be better to take? i also might get some winny towards the end of the cycle. Also, how many bottles of eq could i stretch out for the 12 weeks. i want to run about 300mg/week. does that sound good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Eq - Deca...two totally different steriods IMO.
    If your goal is to stay more towards the lean side then Eq is the drug you'd want.
    If your looking for mass then go w/ Deca.
    Whatever u decide you need to run test w/ both.
    And being it's almost summer...I'd go w/ eq cuz you don't wanna look like a water balloon on the beach.

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mgs
    Week 1-12 Eq 400mgs
    Ldex throughout.
    Clomid 2 weeks out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Eq - Deca...two totally different steriods IMO.
    If your goal is to stay more towards the lean side then Eq is the drug you'd want.
    If your looking for mass then go w/ Deca.
    Whatever u decide you need to run test w/ both.
    And being it's almost summer...I'd go w/ eq cuz you don't wanna look like a water balloon on the beach.

    Week 1-13 Test E 500mgs
    Week 1-12 Eq 400mgs
    Ldex throughout.
    Clomid 2 weeks out.
    Perfect I agree, you might want to throw in 10mgs nolva ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Deca doesn't bloat quiet that bad but eq will really raise your vasculinity. One other good thing about deca is that it really relieves joint pain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I never bloated much with deca and I love the relief of my tendonitis so I like it better than eq. Like they say, you gotta have test, especially with deca. Run it at least 100mg's higher than your deca and that should take care of your libido.

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