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Thread: Cytomel and Psychic Changes....What is it???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Cytomel and Psychic Changes....What is it???

    About a year ago, I was taking about 8 caps of Hydroxcut a day, the one with ephedra on it, and been doing so for a month. Then one night, I got home from the gym, and I started hearing voices and having all kinds of paranoia. My roomie took me to the ER and the doc thought it was schizophrenia, but after I told him about the ephedra he diagnosed with "amphetamine induced psychosis". Anyway, it took me 3 months on anti-psychotic medication (which is by far the worst psychotropic medication you could ever take) for me to return to normal and I def. don't wanna go back to that scary episode. I have some cytomel on hand and was thinking about running it in the end of the cycle. I recently read that t-3 can cause "psychic changes" . Does anyone know if that includes psychosis and paranoia, or is it just depression and anxiety. I wish they were more especific. If you read in the back of ephedra products, they are very especific regarding potential mental side effects (psychosis, depression, paranoia..), but with Cytomel all they mention is "Psychic changes" (too vague). Any info is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Bro I would lay off AAS and any CNS stimulants for the rest of my life - just my .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    Yes it does include psychosis and paranoia....both drugs share similar effects on the central nervous system....I would stay away from any stimulants knowing your predisposition.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Bro, I am by no means capable of providing anything more than an opinion on this issue; however, did you see a psychotherapist about this or was it the doc at the ER that perscrpibed the drugs? I would doubt this tobe the case very much, so what kind of psychological testing/therapy did you undergo? It seems to me that if you haven't talked to a psychatrist you should. The ehedra may have had nothing to do with it, it could have been induced by some other predisposed condition or by a precipitating event in your life that occured near the time that you experienced the described symptoms. There are so many variables but mental illnesses are very serious, whoever had you on the anti-psychotic medication should have told you about the issues surrounding using amphetamines in the future given your history. In any case i would not take any other drugs untill you talk to someone about whats really going on.
    Last edited by RUDY-14; 04-09-2004 at 09:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I guess I will just have to ask my shrink for some Thorazine, since I can't just get rid of the Cytomel!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    cytomel doesn't effect you the same way ephedrine, caffeine, or the herbal equivalents do. t3 can cuase psychic changes, but this is a result of low thyroid levels or extremely high thyroid levels...optimal dosing will not cause any psychic changes, so monitor your Resting temp to dose yourself accordingly and there will be no negative effects associated with it's use.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    cytomel doesn't effect you the same way ephedrine, caffeine, or the herbal equivalents do. t3 can cuase psychic changes, but this is a result of low thyroid levels or extremely high thyroid levels...optimal dosing will not cause any psychic changes, so monitor your Resting temp to dose yourself accordingly and there will be no negative effects associated with it's use.
    hey man when you say to check resting temperature, you told me to have it in the 97.6-98.2 range for good healthy results. My question is normal temperature body temperature 98.6. i thought t3 raised your temperature. just need some help on clarification.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I'm with everyone else. Stay away from drugs and see a psychiatrist. You definitely have some condition you need diagnosed and treated. I am very experienced with amphetamines... and that is something else.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rampage76
    I'm with everyone else. Stay away from drugs and see a psychiatrist. You definitely have some condition you need diagnosed and treated. I am very experienced with amphetamines... and that is something else.

    I did see a shrink afterwards and he said it was amphetamine induced psychosis. The only other possible diagnosis is schizophrenia, and that can't be since: 1) It is a life long illness and 2) I do not have any symptoms anymore.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Most people (80%) don't have a temp in the optimal range...running a bit higher than optimal is fine but can become catabolic when yourt RT gets into the 99's...if your resting temp was at 98.6 you wouldn't need thyroid meds or clen. you would already be staying lean, because your metabolism would be above optimal. I usually get my resting temp up to 98.6 without any catabolism...but when I'm off t3 my RT is usually at I just raise mine .5 deg to enhance the fat burning effects. My temp is in the high end of the optimal range because of the supplements i take to support thyroid function, as well as proper rest and diet, also i don't overtrain.

    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold
    hey man when you say to check resting temperature, you told me to have it in the 97.6-98.2 range for good healthy results. My question is normal temperature body temperature 98.6. i thought t3 raised your temperature. just need some help on clarification.

  11. #11
    so in other words, just stick a thermometer in your mouth a try and keep it in the 97.6-98.2 range, right. i should take my resting temp and get a good idea of where it is, but i do think it is high. i just thought most people had a temp of aroung 98.6.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Guys, regarding spinnin' out on speed of any kind, and being paranoid ..."seeing things" and "hearing things" is incredibly commom, if you've ever been around Tweeker's for Any length of time at all, you'd know exactly what I'm talkin' about. (Most Crank and Crank derivetives are Ephedra/Ephedrine based these days)

    I used to know a guy that had it all, Wife, Kids, Cars, Job, Toys etc.
    Within' a couple years of what started out as just a little pick me up for work (a place that loved this guy BTW) he was draggin' me down to the Park because I was the only one he thought he knew that could probably take the Aliens that were down there in the bushes taunting him.....Yeah.
    A friend of mine many years ago was violently man at me because I wouldn't admit that I saw the Grim Reaper behind the tree too.....Yeah.

    Another friend of mine that would never touch the stuff, came to get me once because he wanted me to talk some sense into his Girl Firends dad, because everytime he saw an UltraLight in the sky at night,(we lived near an Air Field) he could tell which ones were the spys because they were "purposely" interfering with his Police scanner.......Yeah

    So TexGuy hearing voices and being paranoid is not only common, but really no big deal by comparison.
    You have to view it as controling pioson..(Strong stimulants of any kind)

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