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Thread: EQ cycle help

  1. #1

    EQ cycle help

    First off im a beginner so i only know a little bit about aas im still learning, im starting a eq cycle to try and get leaner and more muscle definition i allready have the mass im 6"1 and currently 202 lbs. but im just big and puffy and i would like to get leaner for the summer. I was think about 400mgs of eq a week for 10 weeks maybe more if i can get more gear but i was wondering if that dosage would work out and what kind of diet should i go on because i wanna get lean so do i eat big or little? any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    first question is why your not running test alongside?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Florida
    Cardio, clen and eca....and alot of research!

  4. #4
    I didnt want to use test because my last cycle was test and i gained 32 lbs and a lot of quality mass but now i want to cut down and get leaner and harder so i thought that eq would be the way to go

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    u cant just do eq alone, if ur looking to trim down do soem tren/prop/winny

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironarms
    u cant just do eq alone, if ur looking to trim down do soem tren/prop/winny
    yep, along with cardio and a clean diet, you could even go with a prop,winny eq cycle

    wheres your pct??

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jcz84
    I didnt want to use test because my last cycle was test and i gained 32 lbs and a lot of quality mass but now i want to cut down and get leaner and harder so i thought that eq would be the way to go
    Keep in mind, test can be used to put on 32lbs or it can be used to preserve muscle while dieting down and losing bodyfat. For the most part calories dictate how many lbs you will gain on a cycle not a specific compound.

    If you want to lean up for the summer...get your diet in order, follow a stringent cardio program and then decide on a "cutting cycle" to help prevent muscle loss. Some compounds are recommended over others for cutting purposes.
    Eq, Prop, Tren, and var are all good choices.

    Whatever you decide to do though make sure to include test. It will make life a lot more better.

    Good Luck,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Winny for cutting? Winny is worth it when your already cut. Winny only adds hardness and shape/strength. I would run prop and tren if your experienced. If your not experienced run EQ/prop with an ECA or I head r-ALA is good. run the EQ at 400 and prop at 500/week, or you can even go 50mg lower than that since you dont want to gain weight and only maintain muscle. If maintaining muscle you can go as low with prop as 400 and EQ at 300/week but those are minimums...I had a buddy who ran those dosages and didn't lose a pound of muscle during a hard 2 month diet. He was taking in 1200 calories/day with ECA running along side. Dropped 10% bf in just over 2 months and gained 1 or 2 pounds of muscle but took in 300 grams of protein/day with a body weight of 210.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    300 grams of protein = 1200 your buddy must have been eating a pretty bland diet!
    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns
    Winny for cutting? Winny is worth it when your already cut. Winny only adds hardness and shape/strength. I would run prop and tren if your experienced. If your not experienced run EQ/prop with an ECA or I head r-ALA is good. run the EQ at 400 and prop at 500/week, or you can even go 50mg lower than that since you dont want to gain weight and only maintain muscle. If maintaining muscle you can go as low with prop as 400 and EQ at 300/week but those are minimums...I had a buddy who ran those dosages and didn't lose a pound of muscle during a hard 2 month diet. He was taking in 1200 calories/day with ECA running along side. Dropped 10% bf in just over 2 months and gained 1 or 2 pounds of muscle but took in 300 grams of protein/day with a body weight of 210.

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