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  1. #1
    pvinals is offline Banned
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    Apr 2004

    when doing a cycle?

    When doing a cycle of
    test prop 100mg concentration
    and Deca 200mg concentration,
    how long does it take before you
    start feeling stronger and start to see some
    results. if follow with a good diet?

  2. #2
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    If your cycle is properly laid out you should start noticing the prop in about week 3 and the deca in around week 5. But you have to remember everyone is different. It sounds as if you are thinking about putting something together.

    What is your age and stats? And what and how do you plan on running everything?

  3. #3
    pvinals is offline Banned
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    Apr 2004
    Yes I have a cycle together.
    You see I used to be a prof tennis player.
    but in the past 4-5 years I have gained
    some weight and my body fat was up to 22%
    I have been doing atkins diet and some
    good cardio for some time now and I have been able to
    bring my body fat dow to 14-16% not that good but better than 22%

    Now for the past 3 weeks I have been working out
    and I have changed my diet so I can get some lean muscle
    and maybe continue to reduce my body fat
    age 28
    222LB 14-16% bf
    this is my first cycle
    1cc test prop every 3rd day 100mg concent week 1-10
    1cc deca per week 200mg concent week 1-8
    1cc win eod 50mg concent week 8-10
    Teslac 4 caps per day 50mg concent anti-e week 8-10
    250 gm of protein ed
    15 gm of l-glutamine ed
    cardio 3-4 times per week with empty stomach to burn some bf
    Weight lifting mon - fri
    Baseball on sundays.
    basketball 3-4 times per week before my daily workout.
    I am watching my carb intake since must of my problem is in the mid section.
    I do eat some vegetables, potatos, some fruits, and I do eat out on the weekends.

    My main goal is to not get too big and avoid some water retention but get the best out of the deca and test. but trully I am hoping to kick ass when it comes time to use the winstroll and if needed I will extend the win for 2 more weeks.

  4. #4
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    I dont know about the winny on a first cycle....most will say stay away from liver toxic gear for your first cycle. Also there is a good debate about how many compounds are good for a first cycle--i like a test only but adding something else is alright IMO, however i dont like the idea of three compounds and def not winny.

    Also, not sure what teslac is but i dont see any PCT-->do you need some help with that?

  5. #5
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    Also, does it really take 3 weeks to feel the prop? Always though it was a lot sooner. I know the longer esters like enanthate and cyp take 3-5 weeks to feel but prop?

  6. #6
    sepjuice is offline Anabolic Member
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    i always start to feel prop after the 1st week for sure, and as time goes on, the strength and weight gain come with it.

  7. #7
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sepjuice
    i always start to feel prop after the 1st week for sure, and as time goes on, the strength and weight gain come with it.
    that was my impression

  8. #8
    Tygh's Avatar
    Tygh is offline Associate Member
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    I get a slight boost from prop after 4-5 days with a real strength increase coming in week 2 and 3.

  9. #9
    pvinals is offline Banned
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    I think you guys are on the money, But would it make any difference if I am using prop every 3rd day Vs using it eod or every 2nd day. Must people do not like to wait 3 days to use prop. Would that be a facton on how soon you may start to feel the difference. also keeping in mind this is a first cycle.
    Backer, I would love some help on PCT.
    many people don't know about teslac and that is because there are a couple of substiture for it due to its high price.
    Teslac=belongs to the group of sex hormones and from a biochemical perspective, is a relative of the testosterones. Although this catego-rizes it as an androgenic steroid , from a technical point of view it is neither an androgenic nor an anabolic steroid. Teslac is very similar to the structure of androgenic steroids but it has only a very low androgenic and no anabolic effect. In school medicine this compound is used in the treatment of advanced mammary carcinomas in women. Before you discard Teslac as a completely useless drug and stop reading we want to tell you that Teslac does have his justified application in bodybuilding. Two reasons speak for an intake of Teslac: First, it is the most effective antiestrogen and second, it causes a distinct increase of the endogenic (body's own) testosterone produc-tion. Teslac is unique in its effectiveness as an antiestrogen. Like Proviron , it prevents the aromatizing process of the steroids from the basis. Thus, Teslac prevents almost completely the introduction of more estrogens into the blood and subsequent bonding with the estrogen receptors. Athletes who want to be absolutely certain com-bine Teslac with Proviron 50 mg/day and obtain a complete sup-pression of the estrogens. What makes Teslac different from Proviron, however, and so desirable is the characteristic that it can lead to an irreversible and permanent suppression of the estrogens in male ath-letes. Studies, in the meantime, have proven that Teslac makes male athletes resistant to an aromatization of steroids over a prolonged period. A water retention caused by the estrogens and gynecomastia is thus avoided in the long term. Another advantage of Teslac is that it directly influences the hypothalamus and upon its "signal" the hypophysis releases more gonadotropine, leading to a significant increase of the endogenic testosterone level. The strength of the tes-tosterone-stimulating effect of Teslac can be compared with the one of HCG (see also HCG). Unlike HCG which after only a few-hours results in an elevated plasmatestosterone level, Teslac does require a longer initial period. Thus a regular intake over several days is a preliminary. Although we have initially mentioned that Teslac does not have an anabolic effect, based on the increased testosterone level, a gain in muscles and strength can occur. This could lead to androgenically-linked side effects but they are very unlikely.

    Side effects from Teslac are very rare. Since this compound, above all, was developed for women, it was extremely important to ex-clude the androgenic effect component as much as possible. This was successfully accomplished so that females very rarely experi-ence masculinizing symptoms such as, for example, increased growth of body hair or deep voice. Possible side effects from Teslac are given on the package insert by the German manufacturer, Bristol Arzneimittel GmbH, for the remedy Fludestrin: "cutaneous erup-tions (maculopapular erythema), high blood pressure, sensations such as itching and pricking (paresthesia), pain in the arms and legs and swelling, tongue infection, loss of appetite, nausea and vomit-ing." These side effects, as already mentioned, are extremely rare. The plasma calcium level of athletes should, however, be checked since Teslac could lead to hypercalcemia (increased calcium level).

    Perhaps the greatest negative side effect of Teslac is its high price. A package of fifty 50 mg tablets costs about $200 on the black mar-ket. Every single tablet thus costs $4. The recommended daily dose of 10-20 tablets - that is 500-1000 mg/day! Usually 4-5 tablets daily (200-250 mg/day) are sufficient. However even such a dosage will discourage most athletes because of the high cost. An alterna-tive would be to limit the intake of Teslac to two tablets per day and to supplement them with the similarly effective Proviron (50 mg/ day).

    Substance: Testolactone
    Trade Names:
    Fludestrin 100 mg/ml; Bristol G
    Fludestrin 50 mg/ml; Bristol G
    Teslac 50 mg tab.; Squibb B, NL; Squibb Mark U.S.; Mead Johnson U.S.

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